amandabot58 Member


  • @nooshi713 , do you have any "go-to" exercises and/or foods you'd recommend?? My metabolism seems to go into a slow drag until I'm on track for a while, so I'd like to find stuff that kicks it into motion faster.
  • It's been a little over a year now and I've managed to stay at about 130-135lbs. That's not at all where I'd like to be, but even being without the adipex for some time, I I haven't gained any back. Just can't seem to lose any more. I'd like to say I've been taking care of myself, but I'll be honest and admit that I mostly…
  • @RoxieDawn thanks for that. As hard as I try to stay on top of things, I'll admit to my faults. I'm talked into a lot of "cheat days" into "carbing up", which are things I don't even believe in! It's usually because I hate hearing people tell me I'll have to eat these things eventually, might as well have some now; or that…
  • I used to do a lot of yoga. Can't really think of a reason why I stopped.. I'd like to pick that up again. I'd also like to try and get my money management skills in check. Good luck on your goals, stay healthy! -Amanda