March goals?

People say it takes between 21-28 days to form a new habit. With March being a few days away, what new habit are you looking to form this month?

For me, I would like to eat more through the day before I come home and eat everything in sight :P also I'd like to write more.


  • NekoneMeowMixx
    NekoneMeowMixx Posts: 410 Member
    Writing more is definitely on the list of goals for the upcoming month (and beyond)... As far as fitness related goals go, I'd really like to stick to a steady gym schedule, giving it my all. I signed up for Planet Fitness the other day, and had to opt out of going yesterday because I was so painfully sore from my upper body workout the day before... (I can still barely lift my arms above my head >.<)

    Best of luck on your goals! :)
  • I really want to work on my consistency, I've been taking it one habit at a time and gave up soda the first week of January with no problem. Not sure what habit to work on next though! Maybe March is the perfect time to do this!
  • amandabot58
    amandabot58 Posts: 5 Member
    I used to do a lot of yoga. Can't really think of a reason why I stopped.. I'd like to pick that up again. I'd also like to try and get my money management skills in check.
    Good luck on your goals, stay healthy!
  • I really want to get more involved in group exercises to meet people which will allow me to get out the house more. I tend to eat when I'm bored. Excited about going to a line dance class tonight!
  • AngelAnnihilate
    AngelAnnihilate Posts: 26 Member
    You all definitely have some awesome goals planned out for this upcoming month, I hope you reach them! :)

    I'm definitely going to steal your goal @fifenashia335‌, Consistency is a huge problem for me as well that want to do something just leaves after a few days haha.