saruuhm Member


  • Lose fat, increase muscle. Im trying not to focus on the scale number! Im just going off mfp told me to eat, I think it's 170 carbs, 148 protein and 40 fat I might be wrong with the fat though
  • Im not trying to lose weight. I strength train 6 times a week and burn plenty calories. I was wondering if these two teas helped others with bloating and feeling energized!
  • Thank you!!
  • I get atleast 8 cups a day no including what I drink at the gym. It's just when I wake up in the mornings, sometimes I feel super bloated.
  • That would be why im posting a thread about it... To learn more about them and hear other people's reviews.
  • Awesome, thanks for sharing! Sounds yummy
  • It's a two in one I think, im not sure I didn't buy them! The metabolic tea just says helps with digestion. The detox is a separate bag that says drink every other night! I am a past coffee addict, my body has just become immune to coffee, I don't get energized from a cup of coffee anymore
  • Im not looking to lose weight, I posted in this thread for just general help! Sorry for the confusion. Just wondered if they helped people stay energized and helped with bloating
  • I don't know if the matefit morning/day tea is a laxative though, I would imagine the night time tea to have a laxative. Matefit doesn't encourage or promise weightloss. Tiny tea is an probably an appetite suppressor because it says 30 minutes before each meal.
  • @ Reduce bloating, I'm not looking or expecting to lose weight. Just feel better, less bloated and energized!
  • 5'2 SW: 169 CW: 135-140 I've been trying to not focus on the scale number, I have a goal body not a goal weight! But when I was 169, my goal weight was 125, which now I would say is too light for me!
  • Quest bars, the brownie or double chocolate one! In all the other flavours I find I can taste the protein and they taste chalky. Sometimes I cut them up and throw them in my protein pancakes, soooo yummy! for protein powder, the only one I really enjoyed was the mocha cappuccino (tastes like coffee) or banana cream (tastes…
  • It's better to reach your protein goal from real foods, not powders. Whey protein will digest differently than say a piece of chicken, whey is a quick absorbing protein, which is way it's what you take after you workout. I don't think having two scoops of whey could do a lot of harm though, I personally only have one scoop…
  • Don't worry you're not alone, I was in the same mind set. I wanted weight to come off so bad so I would push myself to hard and into unhealthy habits. Increase your calories and make sure you're hitting your protein goal! I went from 1200 calories to 1697 and I have never felt better in the gym/in general! Goodluck, stay…