Feel free to add me. I'm 28yrs..working as a professional pastry chef..struggling since college to lose weight using various diets/workout. Finally found a diet that seems to work..looking to lose 40lbs. We can kick each other in the butt :]
You can look to me for support! Looking to lose 40lbs
I'm 5'2" looking to lose 40lbs via Keto Diet. CW: 165. Feel free to add me!
sounds like you're dehydrated. make sure you're drinking plenty of water..could be that you're also low on electrolytes..resort to gatorade or chicken/beef broth..both are excellent source!
I'm 5'1" and my ideal goal is 125lbs [ what i was in high school ] I'm 28 yrs old and currently weighing in at doing the keto diet i'm hoping to lose all that. Good luck!
The alarm system DEFINITELY works! I used to binge eat subconsciously [manly out of boredom] but ever since i've adopted the alarm system i no longer find myself hungry and my appetite went down from scarfing 2 servings to barely finishing 1 serving! plan out your meals so that you're consuming 5-6 meals a day..and drink…
You may be depleted of electrolytes..try drinking diet soda/ low calorie gatorade..or bone broth.
I agree with <sarika61> I think you might have gone into ketosis. I've intentionally gone on the keto diet and that's exactly what i'm experiencing these days..frequent trips to the bathroom and metallic taste in my mouth. If that's the case..good for you!!
Hi! I'll be more than glad to be your support buddy. I'm 28 and weigh 170lbs..looking to lose 50lbs via keto diet.
Hello! I just joined looking to lose 50lbs via keto diet. I'm definitely someone who relies on the support of others to keep myself motivated. Add me if you'd like and we can kick each other in the butt if we fall off the wagon :]