Quatroux Member


  • Actually, I can do better. I used to drink SIX 20oz. Dr Peppers PER DAY! I lost 50 pounds just by eliminating soft drinks. That's my old WOE.
  • Sugar Starches all week and candy all weekend.
  • LOL I can relate. I switched my ring to the other hand so it would stay on. That seemed to bother my wife. I switched it back and started lifting weights so I have a callous right by my ring that keeps it on.
    in NSV's Comment by Quatroux April 2015
  • It is just so easy compared to the challenge of achieving/maintaining a healthy weight on any other diet.
  • You wouldn't faze the crowd at Whole Foods. They are too busy reading labels, drinking wine/beer samples, and arguing with the deli lady.
    in NSV's Comment by Quatroux April 2015
  • You might feel confident doing a pgorgram like Medhi's StrongLifts as everything is performed inside a power rack. You don't need a spotter as there are rails in the rack to protect you. However, your gym has to have a power rack. While you build up your strength with dumbbells, you should research barbell programs like…
  • The current blood pressure thread on this forum reminds me of a recent trip i had to the cardiologist. It was my annual visit with my longtime doctor. His nurse took my vitals and then she took them again - with a worried look on her face. My resting heart rate was in the 40's (about 20 BPM less than last year)! Something…
    in NSV's Comment by Quatroux April 2015
  • Low carb problems
  • That reminds me of these "titanium" pans I have from Anolon. They are just aluminum pans with the coating. However, they have lasted 10 years and still work perfectly. I couldn't imagine replacing them with the hopes of anything being better - even if the noinstick coating might be one of a billion things that could kill…
  • I can't be the only one that is disappointed that I can't get higher fat content in my ground beef. I should just ask the butcher to throw in a Boston butt with the beef. I bet that would be delicious.
  • My kids are in a private school in the states and almost all the kids are a healthy weight. I wonder if it is because the families can afford better food or are better educated about food. I know the nutrition info the school sends home seems to be a joke - 1990's FDA type stuff.
  • Congrats on not letting oral surgery throw you off track.
  • Low carb burgers put all other burgers to shame.
  • We have almost made it a full page without anyone mentioning bacon. Sorry, I ruined it. Bacon. Just cook the eggs after the bacon and you can call it your lactose free cooking method.
  • Mark's Daily Apple, Living La Vida Low Carb, anything from Noakes, Phinney, or Volek. Michael Moss and Ben Greenfield have some stuff as well. These are just off the top of my head. Heck, I would even consider JJ Virgin. Tiptoe in with an anti sugar campaign and next thing you know you are low carb.
  • I spoon a bit of almond butter into a container of unsweetened shredded coconut and dark chocolate chips. I roll it around until it isn't sticky. You can keep the balls in the refrigerator if you have the self control to not eat too many. Otherwise, a stick of sugar free gum - if you can tolerate the fake sugar.
  • If you can't ignore them until your results speak for themselves, you could go to a used book store and buy one of every LCHF book they have. Leave them all over the house! You could also print out any interesting articles and leave them about as well. Someone might pick one up and read it or at least start to realize it…
  • Octo sounds more interesting. So many possibilities...
  • Prednisone is evil stuff. You feel like a superhero for a few days and then you start eating like one. Perhaps evil is too harsh of a word since they put you on it to address something worse than those sideffects. I will say that I went on it a few years ago and swore I would never do it again if given a choice.
  • Those folks at Kraft aren't evil. They are just like you and me. They make a product and look for a market to sell it in. They refine their product as they learn more about what sells. The problem is that we buy. We should be making better choices which will result in a shift in the market to accomdoate us. I love a good…
  • Gary Taubes convinced me that fat is a disease and not a product of being lazy. However, the disease can be treated and it takes a lot of hard work. That's where we lose people. You gotta execute. As for skinny cities, they generally have much less access to the ultra low cost processed foods. The rents in crowded areas…
  • You can get fancy after you get up to speed. Start with the basics. Bullet proof coffee or bacon and eggs will start your day. You can buy precooked frozen sausage links (Applegate is good) which are a quick snack (heat up easily). Hard cheeses are an even easier snack. Ground beef (hamburger steak) or any cut of meat for…
  • If you take any prescription meds, check to make sure they don't interact poorly with magnesium. For example, some beta blockers aren't absorbed properly if taken with magnesium.
  • Whole Foods will list the ingredients of their bacon. The dry rub is the only one without sugar and also happens to be the best bacon I have ever had. Ever. Each store should have one bacon they flavor in-house. You can just ask the butcher about it. The guy that makes the sausage and cuts the bacon most likely works from…
  • +1 for the portal reference
  • Have you confirmed that you actually experience this or is this an assumption? I recently read that this is an overstated risk. Would love to know if anyone has actually experienced it (perhaps blood glucose readings after high protein vs. a meal with similar carbs and lower protein).
  • I am very glad you got some value out of my posts despite the autocorrect errors. I am trying life without a PC and I just don't fully appreciate the spell check on Android. I'm trying this racing season in keto so we will see how my little n=1 experiment goes for the sport of rowing. I got hip to this WOE thanks to The…
  • Mention this to your doctor next time you get blood work done. There are other magnesium tests they could consider running. I've seen this listed in either Gary Taubes of Phinney/Volek (athletes book). “A serum test for magnesium is actually worse than ineffective, because a test result that is within normal limits lends a…