jscot002 Member


  • Eating the same thing each day should stop you over eating because you are not snacking. You don’t overeat because it doesn’t taste special on your taste buds
  • I find it strange you are allowed butter, which is made from milk, but not milk cheese or yogurt. Find the oldest cookbook for your area, family, secondhand store or library, and see what they ate for ideas. The older the better, pre 1950, they ate tail to nose and veg in season. A lot of the meat recipes can be done in…
  • 1cup of tea and a piece of toast. Seriously in your life style do you need a big breakfast. I sit on a bus, walk a short distance then work eight hours at a desk sitting down. I excerise at night. In the weekend I eat more but I eat around 9 to 10am.
  • There are a lot of cooking for one cookbooks. The hardest part is portion control when shopping and automatically buying fruit and veg because your partner eats it. Everything you buy will take twice as long to eat which can lead to wastage. Stop, look at your basket and think, do I need all that food. When buying meat,…
  • Make soups, stews or casserole. Buy bones with meat or a small chicken or stewing steak. Add onion, tomatoes carrot, celery glaric and any basic herbs or spices you like. 1cup water or enough water to cover 3/4 if tightly packed. Cook, strip the meat when well cooked, discard bones. Taste, decide if soup or stew. As a…
  • Change what you eat. Get rid of bad foods from kitchen. Move food around in fridge so eg carrots are first thing you see and unhealthy things are at the bottom at back. Put potatoe crisps and chocolate in cupboard outside the kitchen that is a hassle to walk to. Make your own lunch and go for a walk outside at lunch time.…
  • You can waste a lot of money. I'm aged 50, eat heathy and reasonably fit. I have started using Vita sport by the Hansel food group. It's a water booster supplement, it's cheap and I only use it if I am really sweating and need a salt replacement eg 2-3 hour hill walking. I also use it when I go on holiday and walking all…
  • Dump the squats until you are fitter. Pain is not good and will not make your body happy. Keep walking the 2 miles and maybe add some jogging. Beginners yoga will have a list of easy excerises you can do which include stretching. When excerise becomes part of your lifestyle then you can go all high achiever and do the…
  • My advise for a beginner is do what feels good for you. Getting to the gym is the hardest problem. The best time to excerise is in the morning as your body burns calories all day but after work is easier. Pick a time a stick to it. Put notes in fitness pal of what you did, how long, and did you like it. Consider how fit…