eba2003 Member


  • SW: 64 kg CW: 63.3 kg GW: 60kg (by the end of the month) Weigh in dates: Start of the month (03/01 Tuesday): 63.3 kg 03/07:61.7kg 03/14: 62.4kg 03/21:62.4kg 03/28: End of the month (03/31 Thursday): Total weight lost: 0.9kg
  • SW: 64 kg CW: 63.3 kg GW: 60kg (by the end of the month) Weigh in dates: Start of the month (03/01 Tuesday): 63.3 kg 03/07:61.7kg 03/14: 62.4kg 03/21: 03/28: End of the month (03/31 Thursday): Total weight lost: 0.9kg
  • I love this thread, especially all the people who are CONVINCED that soda, diet or otherwise, doesn't harm your body, asking for "credible sources" of evidence for anything they don't want to hear and coming up with bs "evidence" backing up their claims that soda is fine. It's a battle we can't win, it's their lives.. I…
  • SW: 64 kg CW: 63.3 kg GW: 60kg (by the end of the month) Weigh in dates: Start of the month (03/01 Tuesday): 63.3 kg 03/07:61.7kg 03/14: 03/21: 03/28: End of the month (03/31 Thursday): Total weight lost:1.6kg
  • http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/diet-soda-health_b_2698494.html
  • Dark chocolate does it for me. 70% cacao. 1 or 2 squares is enough. And healthy!
  • SW: 64 kg CW: 63.3 kg GW: 60kg (by the end of the month) Weigh in dates: Start of the month (03/01 Tuesday): 63.3 kg 03/07: 03/14: 03/21: 03/28: End of the month (03/31 Thursday): Total weight lost:
  • It's not just about the macros, the micros are really important too!
  • http://www.menshealth.com/nutrition/science-vs-soda-whats-really-in-your-diet-coke You can read this starters. And going back to the other points, of course one fast food burger is not going to kill you. You can stay within your calorie range eating processed foods and still lose weight, but it won't make you feel good and…
  • The fast food burger will have preservatives and additives that ruin your body, the meat won't be from a grass fed cow adding to the strain. Water flushed out toxins from your body. Zero calorie coke adds them back in, causes bloating and digestive issues. Eating highly processed food made in a factory by scientists whose…
  • Try humous or nut patés.
  • I wouldn't worry too much about getting enough protein. Are you getting enough fruit and veg?
  • I think mike_ny was talking about artificial chemicals such as coloring, flavorings, preservatives etc. Much better eating whole fresh foods such as fruit, veg, meat, grains, dairy that haven't been pumped full of artifical ingredients. Much better for long term health, keep you full longer and in the end will help with…
  • It depends if you are tolerant or not. It's a peprsonal thing.
  • Please share favorite cookbooks, recipes and balanced meals! Also what you eat in a typical day!
  • I'm an aspiring vegan and will also be 40 in 2 year's with about 10-15 lbs to lose! Would love to share tips and ideas. One question- where do you get your iron from in a vegan diet, I always heard that plant based iron is less easily assimilated by the body?
  • Look at my wholefoodlife.com she describes how she did it. I think the key is to cut down slowly. Ie. Slowly reducing amount of sugar you add to coffee until you don't add any. Instead of sugary drinks, drink water. Instead of a sweet snack eat some fresh fruit. sugar in fruit is not bad for you unless you have some…
  • What the poster above said. Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. Avoid refined added sugar, processed foods. Eat foods as close to their natural state as possible
  • Energy drinks are toxic....just read the ingredients. NOT good for you.
  • I have three kids who would also snack all the time. Now I have become much stricter with snacking - they are allowed one snack in the morning and one in the afternoon. That way they actually eat at mealtimes! Also I stopped buying snack foods, they snack on fruit only, which shouldn't be eaten at mealtimes anyway. This…
  • Name:JJ Age:38 Height:5'6.5" Start Weight (1st June):61.9kg Goal Weight (1st July):60kg 1st June: 61.9 5th June: 61.5 12th June: was away this week and couldn't weigh myself 19th June: 61.1 26th June: 1st July: Weight lost/gained this week: Weight lost/gained this month:0.8 Successes/struggles this week: not doing enough…
  • That's amazing! ! Congratulations on all your hard work!
  • You are beautiful! Congrats on your journey you are doing so well. I need to follow your advice!
  • Name:JJ Age:38 Height:5'6.5" Start Weight (1st June):61.9kg Goal Weight (1st July):60kg 1st June: 61.9 5th June: 61.5 12th June: 19th June: 26th June: 1st July: Weight lost/gained this week: Weight lost/gained this month: Successes/struggles this week:
  • Name: JJ Age: 37 Height: 5'65" Start Weight (1st May):62.2kg Goal Weight (1st June):60kg 1st May:62.2kg 8th May:62.2 15th May: 22nd May:61.3 29th May: 1st June: Weight lost/gained this week:0.9kg Weight lost/gained this month:0.9kg Successes/struggles this week: Didn't weigh myself last week because I was away, pleased to…
  • Name: JJ Age: 37 Height: 5'65" Start Weight (1st May):62.2kg Goal Weight (1st June):60kg 1st May:62.2kg 8th May:62.2 15th May: 22nd May: 29th May: 1st June: Weight lost/gained this week:0 Weight lost/gained this month:0 Successes/struggles this week: I went down to 61.1 but went out for 2 nights in a row so I'm back to…
  • Fructose is processed by the liver, like alcohol, so it puts a strain on the liver. 2 pieces of fruit a day is perfect. If you're craving something sweet then fruit is the best choice instead of some processed sweet..
  • Name: JJ Age: 37 Height: 5'65" Start Weight (1st May):62.2kg Goal Weight (1st June):60kg 1st May:62.2kg 8th May: 15th May: 22nd May: 29th May: 1st June: Weight lost/gained this week: Weight lost/gained this month: Successes/struggles this week:
  • Let's do this! Name: JJ Age: 37 Height: 5'65" Start Weight (1st May): Goal Weight (1st June):60kg 1st May: 8th May: 15th May: 22nd May: 29th May: 1st June: Weight lost/gained this week: Weight lost/gained this month: Successes/struggles this week: