I'm about to be on week 4 of this program. I modify some, then try a few the right way, then modify. If you give it your all its an awesome workout. I've not really seen much of a change on the scale, but I've gained a lot of tone and I just feel better overall. I feel for someone like me who's goal is more weight loss…
also, love beard! lol.
awesome job :) i too had the "it takes 21 days to start a habit" mindset at the beginning. how hard could 21 days be, right? being in the right mindset makes all the difference. keep up the good work!
i used to fall off the MFP wagon myself, i'm on a 63 day streak so far! lol. Those 50 will be gone in no time :)
i'm literally purchasing it right now :) feel free to add me, i'll keep you posted!