sarahroncone Member


  • Yeah, I know I should have. I used my parents scales and I didn't get there until around dinner time. I will have to do it tomorrow morning again. I only usually have one cheat meal per week, I don't have a whole day. I feel too guilty if I do. But sometimes, I can eat around 100-200 cals more, just because I am literally…
  • Thank you so much! Yes, on the days I train twice it is roughly 700-1000 cals depending, and the days I just train weights it's around 400 cals. I use my heart rate monitor to track every workout etc. I'm probably going to cut a little more before I bulk. I'm thinking as my BF was a little higher this time (considering I'm…
  • Also, am I meant to re consume the cals I'm burning? Say I eat 2000 for The day, but I burn almost 1000 cals from training twice in that one day. It's been such a long time since I've bothered with macros etc I've forgotten majority of it all haha
  • I haven't weighed myself in two weeks, so I will weigh myself this afternoon to find out. I need accurate scales, my home ones are off. I currently train F45 Monday morning for 45 minutes cardio based class, and Monday evening I do heavy legs. Tuesday I do back and chest, Wednesday morning F45 and Wednesday evening arms…
  • Damn typos! Story of my life haha.
  • Oh yesss! Haha. Yes, I know what page we are on now. Time under tension has such an impact on training! I'm a big beleiver in 'TUT'.
  • p.s I find that training with super sets, tri sets, and drop sets always leave me with a far more effective pump than straight sets of a 8-12 rep range. My body seems to respond with more work and less rest. I'm also a big fan of GVT style training. Always get some serious DOMS from that style of training, but I dont do it…
  • Sorry for my lack of knowledge in regard to all these training abreviations, but what is TUD? I am very familiar with progressive overload and volume training. What I am taking home from this is a combination of all these training styles (which all aim to build muscle mass) and a caloric surplus should get the job done.
  • All information on here is helpful to me! I appreciate everybodys input and think you all have good advice. :) Thank you for taking the time to educate me on the topic. I have been esting more than what i would consider my usual 'maintenance level' and lifting hard, taking all my supps and getting good sleep. Hopefully i…
  • I started my bulk in summer. It doesn't bother me the slightest, summer or winter. But i know it will be challenging whilst my body transitions into what i want and all the ups and downs i will go through along my journey. Regardless, I'm just super excited to get my goal! Trial and error is definitely the key, However i…
  • Yeah, i think thats going to be the challenge for me mentally! i love the leaner waist look, as i am used to it, but definitely need about 5kgs before i am happy with my over all size. And unfortunately that wont come without a little extra padding haha. Just have to push through. Lucky summer is over for me, so should be…
  • And i know it will take months. if it were quicker i would assume it would be alot of fat rather than muscle. Even though some fat gain is to be expected, too much isn't my aim.
  • Thank you! I feel so much more postive about my routine and potential gains now! I have just purchased a yummy grape flavoured BCAA's and they have already proven effective in terms of feeling more energised during the training etc (i notice the difference anyway). My main problem at this stage is not getting enough sleep!…
  • roughly lifting heavy for a few months since having my baby. I had some injuries post baby, so i had to be very careful for a while after. i Will check it out thanks! :) And thank you! i will keep going with my current routine for 5 or so weeks and up my calories as you said to see where that gets me before i change it up.…
  • Homemade. i haven't really had anybody to give me guidance. I have been reasearching on the net and trialing and erroring to find what works best for me so far...
  • Thanks so much to the both of you for your advice. Its very to the point and helpful. You both definitely know your stuff. So if you think im currently over training abit, would you recomened i remain hitting my muscles groups once per week? i find i have a pretty good recovery, even though i hurt for max two days after,…