blthulhu Member


  • I have hypothyroidism and have done for about 8 years. I'm on Levothyroxine & just trying to stay honest to myself by logging everything.
  • Hello! You're welcome to add me as a friend, but just a pre-warning that my diary is private due to some eating issues I'm working on. I understand if you'd prefer not to. Good luck in your journey!
  • Hey! I have multiple health issues - both mental and physical that impact my ability to exercise. I completely understand how awful it can be. All you can do is your best :smiley: My tip would be to find something that you can do that you enjoy and then modify it to your level. For example, I find that swimming really…
  • Thank you all very much. I ordered a Vivofit for my OH & a Polar for myself H7
  • Thank you all so much for your feedback. I kind of like the idea of one that comes with a HRM but I'll have a look at a few later on. :)
  • Hiya! I have Fibro too. In fact I've spent the majority of the last 2 months or so in bed because of it which I feel is making it worse? Anyway, I'm starting swimming today and easing back into active life slowly. Please feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • Hey! I'm also starting again. At the moment I'm just trying to get back into the swing of recording everything & also trying to add some exercise to my otherwise incredibly sedentary day, so I may not be much help, but you're more than welcome to add me. Good luck!