

  • I've lost just over 3st 7lbs and I'm still not really noticing any physical difference in my body apart from my face, where there's no denying I look a lot slimmer - when I look at my body in the shower though I still look exactly the same and it's frustrating especially when I've only dropped 1 dress size. The thing is…
  • I'm logging off for the evening now but I really do thank each of you for the wise words and support - it's made me realise it's worth keeping at it :smile:
  • No because I'm disabled and my illness has flared up right now so I can't do it without injuring myself - the only exercise I'm currently getting is 20 minutes of moderate pace walking per day :smile:
  • Thanks everyone - you've restored my faith in what I'm doing. - and the comments on clothing is so right - it's dawned on me that nearly all of my clothes are stretch waist so they'd probably fit me over a multitude of sizes - I need to buy some new work trousers soon so I might have actually lost and not realised. - I was…
  • Totally agree with you - I found that depending on where the scales are in the room, I could gain lbs instantly so now I always use the exact same scales in the exact same spot (due a possibly slightly uneven floor) and I always weigh myself at the same time each morning after I've been to the bathroom but before I eat or…
  • So glad you posted this as I was beginning to wonder if I'm indulging in wishful thinking. Weighed myself this morning and discovered that I've now lost 24lbs but I'm still the exact same dress size I was at the start of all this and I have the same size bust but I ensure I weigh myself at the same time each morning after…