kaemjones Member


  • Hey guys! I'm denovosibi on reddit! I've been using MFP religiously since January 2014 and have lost 130.2lbs to date :smiley: Feel free to add me!
  • Teal Tapirs checking in. I'm Kae 26F SW: 300lbs, CW: 172.6, GW 145 (and probably lower after that). I started in January 2014 by calorie counting using MFP and gradually added in exercise. I now run 12-15 miles a week and am training for a 10k and half marathon. Basically my goal is keep trucking on!
  • I'd gladly pay 99 cents/month, but $9.99? They've got to be kidding, right? That's more than I pay Netflix lol