Paul699 Member


  • I tried it and hated it, far too restrictive i found personally, and spending most of my time prepping food for the next day or too was far too tying as well. Ive seen good success stories with it, but for me it was not a long term thing (or even short term as i quit in 2 weeks and came to Cal counting) At the eof the day,…
  • Lost by simple counting, CICO, created a deficit, trained and stuck to it. Maintain - Thats where it started to go wrong, I should have upped my cals by 150 - 200 a day tops.. but i went straight to 500 extra or so, thinking i had conquered the world.. 2000 was too much for me i think in hind sight. If i get to my goal i…
    in Crushed Comment by Paul699 February 2018
  • Thanks jocster, with SW i didnt like the amount of prep it needed, I was spending all my time thinking about what I could eat, and then as I say preparing it. It may have just been the club I was going to as well, but even though I thought i was doing the right thing, i was being told that I often was not, balance of speed…
  • Hi Mitch, thx for the response, and yes your right, im missing several days, unintentional for Thurs, I was remiss, Friday, sat and Sunday where deliberate as the toys were firmly thrown out the pram.. However im not aiming for 2lbs a week, im aiming for 1, and before this weekend have been very conscious about logging and…
  • Yes, Ive experienced similar, but not to the degree you have. Congratulations by the way, 60lbs is awesome. Ive lost 35lbs and the only person who mentions it, is my wife and my friend at work.. My wife actually gets pretty annoyed about it as well, as she see it as a major change. Like you though, I dont really care, Im…
  • Ive just re-entered my goals, and changed my life style to sedentary and my cals have been reduced further to 1490 per day. I will try for a week and see what happens, I think for a bloke it seems low, but I am old and have a desk based job. The only activity I have is my 3 gym sessions per week, daily 30 minute walks…
  • Ive donr ; What I consider Fad Atkins - Had to give in as I suffered blinding head aches. Herbalife supplements, no results at all The cabbage diet - couldn't live with the side effects, or justify the loss results or effort in making the gruel. Not so Faddy Weight Watchers a when I was in early 20s and had a lot of loss…
  • Worrying that my efforts are for nothing, staying in deficit and not losing, and the last 9 lbs that will just not move.
  • thanks guys, im beginning to see the last 5 or so lbs can be a struggle for a lot of people.. I didn't know. I went down 1lb again last friday, and have also upped my cals to 1740 for a week or so, but am still training, im hoping to maintain at least this week, and then will look to dropping again. Just mixing it up a…
  • biscuits and milk. 2 or 3 biscuits is never enough, especially oreos or chocolate bourbons. Oh and cadbury bourneville. I just dont buy them any more and limit my milk to tea and coffe, with the occasional 100 ml glass.
  • Is that fresh juice your talkig about ?, I might try it, but i was refering to the cordial type juices.
  • Ok maybe hate was strong, but it is definitely the last thing on my list to drink, i could never be one these people who constantly have a bottle of water in their hand. Even cardio gym sessions don't drive me to it, gross out warning, my urine was a very deep yellow which of course I know is a clear sign of dehydration,…
  • Sorry, moral of this is, read and weigh EVERYTHING ! :)
  • Thanks for that, Ill have a look, I had done BMR from other sites (NHS one and one other, but I will do it again, as that was months ago.) And yes I weigh obsessively. To my wifes distraction :)
  • no never, more deficit, more weight loss.. or not in this case lol
  • Several times a day ? :) . I do it once per week, i thought your weight could fluctuate daily, and weighing yourself more than once per week could give you very misleading results ?
  • Is that BMR - Basic Metabolic Rate, yes ive done that, and it was 1800 or around that If i remember rightly, thats before i started going to gym daily, i do CV mon/ weds/ Friday, resistance Tues/ Thurs.
  • Opened up my diary, just redone my settings and it says I should be on the below, when im doing 1550 roughly. Net Calories Consumed* / Day 1,740 Calories / Day
  • just re read my previous, apologies if its reads at all confrontational, im just so mad, upset, confused and desperate. I really believe my cals are low, i cant reduce them more.
  • thanks for the responses guys. I havent lost for 3 weeks now. No I havent redone my goal either, im doing 1550 cals a day, if thats not in deficit, i will not be dieting much longer. I cannot reduce more, in fact I'd decided to go up 100 cals. To see if i could trick my body into something, then downing the cals again.
  • Weekly, friday morning before I do anything. That leaves me the weekend if i over do the cals on sat or sunday slightly, and I can pull it back round during the week hopefully :)
  • thx guys, Dr Pepper zero, its a life saver, cant get away with diet coke, coke zero, pepsi max etc etc.. this Dr Pepper however, is brilliant.
  • I would have wanted to say "errrm, excuse me, but im waiting to be served here, if you want to talk about personal matters please do so out of work time" but thats just me :) apart from that, no i would not have said anything, people believe what they want to believe, and you offering an opinion would not have went down…
  • Thanks guys, some great advice there. Will certainly take encouragement from them, I've had bit of a blow out tonight, and had a Chinese take away. I'm not going to stress it, but just get back on the wagon in the morning.
  • Thanks for the responses so far guys, I started at the beginning of March, I am really worried about maintaining though as there is no way I can spend the rest of my life on 1500 cals just to maintain. I have picked up a calf strain as well which has restricted my CV work outs, Ive tried doing resistance instead, but i…
  • This, even loved family members. And every other driver while im on the road :)
  • Congrats Ramdiha, awesome loss, im in the same boat, 1450 a day, to be honest im worried mine are too low.. I didnt drop as much as you on 1st week, 4 for me, but its been steady since, Ive manually upped mine to 1500 as everyone is saying its too low for a manly man :) I work in I.T and drive a desk for my living lol.
  • Thats really strange as Ive just re-entered it myself, same details, and 1.5 lbs loss per week, and i got 1340, although I did use sedentry as I work in an office seated all day..
  • i had the setting as MFP recommended and it was dropping my cals weekly to reflect my desired weight loss, at one point it went to 1360 or something. I changed it to manual and set it to 1450 :) I did a couple of BMR tests, just online ones and it suggested my BMR was around 18-1900 cals per day, so I felt a 400 deficit…