cilleriania Member


  • I don't use any of these recipes as is, usually cut down on the oils / sugary things but some ideas: Great as the main ingredient in a curry. I love them roasted in salads:…
  • I use lightroom - it is fantastic. Worth it if you are shooting in RAW
  • MFP tell me to eat 2080 to maintain. I eat 2300 and recently dropped a couple of lbs (unintentionally). It depends on so many things including activity level outside of exercise and during exercise. Look at what you were eating - add 100 calories per week until it levels out. Some people will get a jump in weight, if so,…
  • I love my porridge breaky - dryish porridge made with water not milk with frozen blueberries and/or raspberries, hemp seeds or nuts and cinnamon stirred through. Served with cottage cheese or plain yoghurt.
  • That +/- lemon juice and herbs
  • I looove chocolate, but I can eat cheese everyday. So cheese!
  • I find the recipes don't update on my phone or iPad app versions, if I make any changes to the recipes. Its a bit annoying since I'd prefer to be cooking from those. And I agree with I'd like to be able to see the ingredients without going in to edit too. First world problems I guess, but .....
  • I am still on the learning curve, but here are some of the bloggers/podcasters I am following and a few of the main things I try to do... - Use free weights or bodyweight exercises rather than machines - Use compound exercises which use lots of muscle groups rather than isolated exercises. Ie: do squats, deadlifts, push…
  • I'm not a fan of the low fat greek yoghurt, but I don't mind 2% cottage cheese with my breakfast (oats). Can also use cottage cheese in a smoothie if you're not a fan of the texture. I'm vego, so I also use black beans, peas / broccoli, cheese, refried beans, hemp seeds and nuts and a little tofu (marinade in garlic,…
  • A few from a recent trip to Vancouver Island
  • Cinnamon, frozen blueberries (or fresh ones!) and chopped nuts or hemp seeds. Every morning, love it!