NickyGiGi Member


  • I try to prepare several meals on the weekends that can be reheated during the week. Or even prepping as much ahead to make the actual meal come together quicker. I have 3 kids in activities so time on weeknights is a precious commodity. I'll also prepare and package all my breakfasts, lunches and snacks for the week so…
  • It's a little crazy! I've invited Roger, Brian and my friend Heather into our group but I'm not sure anyone can see my invite yet. See if you can invite them in too would you? Start with Roger - his user name is radial65
  • I'm in Maryland
  • Skinnytaste is my obsession. I even bought her book - the only cookbook I've bought in more than 8 years.
  • I have this spirilizer: It works really well. I've used it on zucchini, potatoes, sweet potatoes, apples and cucumbers.
  • I love to cook and need help staying on track. I was excited to see the zoodles in your pictures above as they've become a favorite of mine. I'm always looking to shake up what I'm eating but need to keep it healthy. I have 3 kids and try to prepare all my meals for the week in one big blast on the weekends so making sure…