mackiscute2002 Member


  • I weigh daily but only record saturday mornings numbers. The only time i record during the week is if my number drops and stays dropped. I use the daily weighs only to remind me that what i do daily does have an impact....the extra desert one day because it was a bad day, the extra long walk or the missed walk.
  • By scratch I mean if the recipe calls for something that is not meat, vegetable, fruit, it is likely that i am using a pre-made item. I am not making my own tomato sauce, breads, pastas, salad dressing, etc. I used to hate cooking period due to some very bad experience in high school. I have been told that i am actually a…
  • Would this also apply to excessive housework not normally done? I have sedetary lifestyle set up too and ive been doing spring cleaning. Moving furniture, ripped up a plywood floor, catching up on tons of laundry i couldnt do( i mean up to 6 loads in one day up 2 flights of steps), rearranging rooms and tons of picking up…
  • I could button and zip my favorite work jeans this week. First time in atleast 6 months!!!
  • I understand the "carrying weight well thing" i am 5'8" and have always been like that. Medically i have been obese for many years but everyone always said not to worry. I dont think you need to worry about losing to much weight. As you get close to your goal just adjust your diet and excercise.