Andersonhea Member


  • Way to go!
  • I forgot to add I am starting the month at 193.2 lbs.
  • Thanksgiving is at my house this year so I can control the menu somewhat as I can't mess with tradition too much. -I am aiming for another 5 lbs (but really hoping more) -get the work/school/life balance figured out better -incorporate more stretching to target the tight muscles the yoga classes seem to miss -get more…
  • Awesome! The scale still shows loss even if the actual numbers aren't right. You'll get there soon.
  • I lost 4.8 lbs this month. I was aiming for 5 but close enough for this girl. I have been active more throughout the day thanks to the body breaks in my class. I have also worn two different shirts this week that I haven't been able to wear for a long time because the arms were too tight. My logging still isn't as…
  • Well at least it is only for one month. Good for you for taking the chance to make some stress go away. I hope it works for you.
  • I was on track to reach my goal of 5 lbs lost this month then TOM showed up 9 days early so I am up a bit. We'll see what tomorrow brings.
  • Went out for supper with my family yesterday. Tried not to go too overboard but it is hard when you eat out. I did a 5K cancer fundraiser walk with several co-workers on Saturday morning. It was a beautiful day. As a follow up to my post last week I do have an appointment with my Dr. in November to get my thyroid levels…
  • I have a picture on my phone that my mom accidentally took as I was walking away from her to get in position for the actual photo. It is not flattering and was a real eye opener for me. I also have a couple of clothing items I want to wear again.
  • Awesome! One day that will be me.
  • So last week I was 194.6 lbs, I went up to 199 and am now down to 196 this morning. Gain? Loss? Not really sure. I would really like to get into the 180s soon.
  • At the end of the day Friday I was feeling great and by Sunday night I was exhausted and miserable. I spent some time researching autoimmune diseases. I think it is time to see my Dr. again. Up 2 pounds again this morning.
  • This was a good week overall. I ate sensibly, survived the first full week back at work without losing my sanity. I have managed to build physical activity throughout the school day by getting my students up and exercising with me, they love it. I seem to be on track to losing the 5 pounds this month and could actually do…
  • This morning's weigh in was 194.6. I have lost last week's water weight and maybe a bit more (less than a pound).
  • I managed to stay undercontrol at my son's birthday party. Our family always has the weirdiest/inappropriate conversations at gatherings. Logging accuracy was/is a September goal but I am feeling overwhelmed with everything I have to do and am losing focus and haven't done it for 3 days.
  • Congratulations! I have never had to have a ring cut off but sometimes they do get very tight. The NSV are the best.
  • I was doing well this week. I preplanned all my meals but realized I forgot to buy a couple of items so had to do some last minute switches. Today I am really retaining water, more than usual, so most of the moves in yoga class were very difficult. I came home feeling frustrated and FAT. I haven't felt fat in a long time.…
  • It's not that my husband isn't on board but because he isn't home much he always wants to go out for supper. He also loves movies so we sit and watch movies. I would rather eat at home and go for a walk but he rarely goes for it.
  • I love boots too but my feet are weird because I have spent so much time in bare feet as a child. Now I have a hard time finding shoes/boots that I can wear comfortably all day. I think I am also developing a bunion on one foot. But I still live boots. Sweaters that cover my butt. Either pullover or cardigan style are fine…
  • Nothing better than new underwear Cathy.
  • I will be at home cleaning up the yard, getting some planning done for next week and having a consultation about getting a tattoo. I also hope to sleep and relax as well.
  • My starting weight was 201.8 lbs. I was 198.0 this morning. I hope to lose 5lbs this month.
  • My goals are -to log accurately most (if not all days) -exercise in some way 3 times a week ( 2 of those will be yoga classes) -continue to find better solutions to stress than eating -not lose my sanity (lol)
  • We are here to support one another. There is enough negative in the world. We all have our things we are dealing with let's not add to someone's pile. Thanks for starting this KittyinBoots.
  • How do people exercise when life gets in the way so often?
  • Hi, I am Heather. I have been on and off MFP for a few years. I have hypothyroidism and have suffered bouts of depression which make losing weight difficult. Stress at work and home have played a major factor the last few years. I am a teacher (grade 2) and my husband has been ill. He was recently diagnosed with celiac…
  • Bring it on!
  • I have been on and off for a while. I need people to encourage me as my commitment is going again.
  • I got diagnosed with hypothyroidism a few years ago. Don't know what my numbers are, I never get my results from my doctor. The condition is not under control and I have another appointment to see my Dr. again in a few weeks. Have been gaining weight rapidly in the last few years. I am now trying gluten free and reducing…