PrimalRemedy Member


  • Hi! A friend on MFP found your post and suggested in look your way. I have had my 42 mm sport (blue band! lol) for about a week. I have a defibrillator implant and cannot use a regular HRM (interference) so I was very happy to find the watch to be accurate with the HRM. I am on a major learning curve, but I did have a 50…
  • Cindy, you are already so good at this, I don't know what else you can do except to take a look at those more expensive items (like nuts?) and leave them out, at least until you guys get back on your feet. Summer will help, with all the fresh food available. Hubby making the changes he is in his lifestyle will also help…
  • The breakouts could also be die-off, or Herxheimer effect, especially if you had any lingering Candida going on. You may be detoxing. If that is the case, within a few weeks it will go away. You are literally healing from the inside, out. I have gone through this 3 x in the last 10 years as I moved closer to going Paleo,…
  • Classic symptoms of dairy allergy. Many people think dairy allergy is only lactose allergy but there are several parts of dairy you could be reacting to, including whey or casein.
  • Lol Akimajuktuq! Potatoes rule but I won't let them rule ME. How's dat?
  • I will read your blog when I get a chance and I got your friend request so we are cool! Have a great day, Dan.
  • Isn't that funny? We live at 25/Shelby. Tried the bacon and loved it, except our micro is so powerful I think I need to back it down to 80% because the paper plates started to burn. But no messy clean-up!
  • I LOVE this idea! BTW I read your bio and went WHAT?? My hubby and I live in Shelby! 28 years in Rochester Hills. ha ha Small world, Dan! I am following the Primal/Paleo Diet but on the lower carb side of things. Good luck to you!
  • Irish girl here who loves potatoes! No nightshade problem or joint pain but I do have to monitor blood sugar, so I leave them to a rare treat. Organic, baked, and only about a quarter of a potato. I make sure I put enough coconut or olive oil on it to buffer the blood sugar spike. Then I get out and move to get my body's…
  • That's a shame. I agree with Akimajuktuq. You need to give it some time. Hope she finds her answers!
  • Welcome, Jordie! Whether or not you delete and come back is your business. We all have our personal reasons for what we do. I had a super rough year last year with a lot of health issues of my own and my husband suffering multiple strokes. At the end of the first year on MFP I decided to delete my account and start fresh,…
  • I have a Flex and ordered the Charge HR in plum. It was back ordered 8-10 weeks, but I should get it in mid-April. Nancy, thanks for sharing your comments! I can't wait till mine comes. It's been a L O N G wait!