imfree2bme Member


  • I haven't skipped anything, so far i'm doing 3 days a week and just finished my third week(struggling but finished). i've tried turning my phone on/off and shutting the program down but it goes from w3d3 to w4d1 to run 5k bridge to 10k. which i'm nowhere near to doing. i'm using the c25k program through zens. its nice…
  • i did w3d3 today for some reason it was really challenging. I don't think i stretched enough or not drank enough water lately. my legs were killing me 6 minutes in to it. i finished it though. not sure what happen this time around the last 2 runs where hard but good. this one i really want to quit. any of you guys have…
  • Name: Katrina Height: 5'7" Starting Weight (3/2): 199 Goal Weight (3/30): 189 3/2: 199 3/9: 196 3/16: 191 3/23: 189 3/30: Loss/gain for the week: 2 Loss/gain for the month so far:10 Struggles or successes of your week:i met my goal at this weigh in of losing 10lbs this month. Which is great however, i worked really hard…
  • i'm not currently living there but i still claim it. :) I'm from the southwest corner of michigan and graduated from the beautiful awesome college in east lansing. Shout out to Lyman Briggs if anyone knows what that means. :)
  • Name: Katrina Height: 5'7" Starting Weight (3/2): 199 Goal Weight (3/30): 189 3/2: 199 3/9: 196 3/16: 191 3/23: 3/30: Loss/gain for the week: 5 Loss/gain for the month so far:8 Struggles or successes of your week:If things go well i hope to hit my goal weight for this month next week. Ive started exercising with calorie…
  • yesterday i completed w1d3. The first day i ran indoors the second and third outside. Yesterday was hard and i'm feeling it today. Big difference from flat to outside with hills. I did two miles for day 2 and 3. they both wasn't within 30 minutes but i completed it in less than 35 minutes. I'm contemplating repeating week…
  • Today i started c25k..W1D1 .... Good news! i didn't die. It wasn't easy but, it wasn't horrible I did start my running pace faster than i should of but, i slowed it down. I've run 5ks before but not really since i hurt my ankle and had the whole boot thing with months of rehab. So it has me nervous but, i'm going to "try"…
  • I guess a lot of people woke up and decided to start c25k..i did as well. how did it go for you guys?
  • Name: Katrina Height: 5'7" Starting Weight (3/2): 199 Goal Weight (3/30): 189 3/2: 199 3/9: 196 3/16: 3/23: 3/30: Loss/gain for the week: 3 Loss/gain for the month so far: 3 Struggles or successes of your week: I just started a week ago. i've been watching my calories which is good and have stayed under my calories…
  • i realize it is sunday is it to late to join?
  • i just started with myfitnesspal a few days ago and i saw this group. I was wondering is it to late to jump in?