civilhokie Member


  • I'm not a big salad fan and I do not like meat in my salads. I typicall eat things like grilled fish or grilled burger with peppers and onions. I also do tuna or chicken salad occasionally. I know Pf Changs has gluten free options but I thought someone might know if other gf heathy options. I'm just looking for ideas I…
  • Thanks. That's a good idea. I do plan my day but often get busy to enter during the day. This would help with planning and keeping on track!
  • Thanks for the support!
  • I would love hot yoga but I live in a small town so it isn't offered. Maybe I'll try it on my travels!
    in Stress Comment by civilhokie April 2015
  • I never drink milk because it causes inflammation in the body. Also if you think about it a cow lets her calf drink milk so he will grow to be a 300lb beast. No animal in the wild drinks milk after they are full grown. When I quit drinking milk my allergies disappeared and I generally feel better. Educate yourself and do…