- not as cool, but still!
I see what you did there ;)
Have you read all of them!? I wanted to start with the Starwars books but didn't know where to start. ..
Oh, don't worry. I feel so terrible about admitting it, but I love the TV show way more than the books (I know, I'm terrible) but the books are just so damn slow. Too many characters I just don't care about.
I just finished my semester, but I was DREADING my statistics final. Somehow, I got through undergrad without it, but needed it for grad school. I didn't wind up doing so badly, thankfully! Happy to have a few weeks (more or less) to myself!
You sound like my kinda gal! (I worked at an animal shelter for years and am a super big geek into gaming) I definitely feel you about the depression making things much worse. I've struggle with depression and anxiety my whole life, and have only really gotten it under control the past few years (the meds are what made me…
Double shot of espresso with whipped cream <3
Damn! Down're inspirational :)
Hey! I feel you, sister. I was boxing for a year and a half when I found out I had severe osteoarthritis in my hip. Since then, I've gained about 50 pounds and my body's been not too happy about it. Let's link up on here and hopefully help console each other over our lack of contact sports! I have sort of the same issues,…
Yes! I hope so. I'm by the UCF campus, so the other side of Orlando :p
Do you also love lamp?
Are you actually Brick Tamland? :smile: