

  • 15 pounds is great. Keep it up! Take a look at the type of foods you're eating. Fats and alcohol have more calories than carbs and proteins. Don't cut fats out completely just moderate, those things sneak up on me. Fiber is also great for your body, fills you up and absorbs some fat from intestines. Make sure you get lots…
  • If I remember correctly from my nutrition class your body should be burning more calories while you are breastfeeding. Takes a lot of energy to produce. If anything you shouldn't cut/starve yourself of calories at this time. I highly recommend asking your doctor, or a lactation consultant what would be a good reduction in…
  • Celebrate every victory! Don't let stress or negativity lead you to food. I'm still working on all the weight I put on from emotional eating, but once you realize you're doing it, it's easier to stop. I personally found a good exercise gets rid of the stress and gives you a high on endorphins. It helped me curb my…
  • Eat balanced meals, dont skip meals either this actually slows down your metabolism. Things like soup diets you'll lose weight temporarily but also lose muscle. Going to the gym you'll put on weight at first (muscle), but then your muscles will start burning more calories and you'll see a bigger drop in weight. Make sure…