

  • Wow what an amazing transformation, a huge inspiration!!! Thank you for sharing. I just joined this week so I don't have any questions yet but I'll be checking back here and reading through everything already posted. Oh and just one quick question which has nothing to do with diet or exercise, but holy cow how did you lose…
  • I just got a FitBit and joined here at MFP but link this to my FB app. I don't want to go into two forums everyday so I will be on MFP. Yes I need to keep things simple otherwise I get wicked confused. LOL I might eventually get active on FB as well once I actually get my daily steps up, which is hard with a desk job. Boo…
  • Please feel free to add me. Looking to give and receive motivation and have fun with this. I just got a FitBit over the weekend and linked MFP with it so here to learn to live a healthier, thinner life. :)