Fesanso Member


  • It's bloomin' annoying. Recently it seems to sync in the morns but not very well in the evening. Grrr.
  • Ah thanks. I'm having the same problem with Fitbit app not reconnecting.
  • MFP is not syncing with Fitbit for me today. Fitbit is seeing MFP...ie water consumption is updating. But I'm getting '0 Steps'. Grr.
  • Fitbit / MFP sync is boken for me today. No amount of revoking and reinstating the two have fixed it. Fitbit sees MFP just not the other way around. It was seeing some weird high step number at first and in desperation I tried deleting it under Exercise as it was stuck. Now MFP is not even giving Fitbit an entry under…
  • Today has now corrected itself finally, but yesterday is still wrong. I manually deleted one FB entry for yesterday but the other two error entries for FB wont delete and no new updated figure appears so I now have no FB adjustment showing in the MFP app for yesterday which totally wreaks my weekly figure. Urgh.
  • It's stopped syncing for me now since this morning. Hopefully it's because they're fixing it. The incorrect tally for yesterday is really bugging me.
  • Today seems ok but yesterday is still completely wrong.
  • This is very annoying. It's all over the place today. It was linking fine this morning but now MFP is showing some weird figure from Fitbit and has multiple entries in Exercise but is now only showing the last smaller amount in the app. It was showing nothing, then doubling it, now it's just showing the amount from the…
  • I have from one size 12 (15 years old) then from sizes 14 to 20 (UK sizing). I'm currently only down to the size 14 range (only have a few of them so had to go out specially to buy 'em), so with the 16-20 trousers falling off me I have donated/dumped most them (investing in a few belts to keep the ones I've got left up),…
  • I have a Crunchie bar most days to satisfy my sweet/chocolate cravings. At 187 kcals per standard bar they're not too hard to squeeze into my daily calorie amount (if I've done my workouts). They sell multi packs here (3 bars) which are only slighly smaller than the standard ones and at 150 kcals each bar are what I…
  • I'm two inches shorter than you and just a few pounds lighter at 168, but I wouldn't lose if I ate all my exercise calories every day even tho I'd be within MFP's quota. Since the end of January, so far I have a reasonably steady loss of 1-2 pounds a week, but it goes up and down during the week. I also like to weigh…
  • You can exercise to tone the muscles there, but it wont make your body lose the fat there. Your body decides were it will lose the weight (if you eat in deficit) wherever your genetics dictate, as was said above. ie if you are the classic apple shape (as I am) around your middle is the last place you will lose the fat on…
  • Don't have the flex myself, but you may need to create a new profile to do it unfortunately. Though why it didn't do that for you when you created your new account, I don't know. See HERE for the help on the Fitbit site.
  • I lose throughout the month (I probably have more to lose and am not near my goal), but over my TOM gain 3-4 pounds (water retention). Once it's over I'm back to where I was before it started. I like to weigh every day - my scale does %'s for Fat, Water, Muscle and Bone (wouldn't bank on it for total accuracy, but I like…
  • Cheers for that - very helpful. What I did before was a Manual Workout activity (as there was no activity record because I didn't press the button etc to record one), so I did a search for a 'title' then entered a start and end or duration (but didn't put anything in the optional kilo-calories as I had no idea what to put…
  • Thanks for this! It's helped my understanding of Activity logging more than I did (well... since it confused me I'd say your explanation gave me all the info I currently have). I've had a Fitbit One for several months and never manually logged anything because I was confused (just left all my workouts as step based). I've…