mparent25 Member


  • I work out early in the morning but some days I don't want to get out of bed so I take a preworkout to get me motivated also there is literally no way you can skip a workout after you've taken a preworkout
  • Also remember that you don't have to do every pose, if your body isn't feeling good or a pose is really difficult for you you can just sit down and take a break. The first hot yoga class I ended up laying down for the last 20 minutes bc I just couldn't handle the heat but I got better and better with each class
  • My friend and I tried hot yoga for a month, the classes were 90 minutes and it focused a lot on balancing which was really difficult but overall it made my body feel great after and it was a good detox. Just make sure you are full hydrated before the class and that you wear very little clothing bc it is hotter than hell.
  • I was so sick for a week, I couldn't breath and I was coughing every where. I only skipped one workout and the others I did until I really couldn't handle it anymore. When you get sick it's ok to take a few days off just as long as you don't eat more than you regularly would.
  • Just pick the weights up and see what weights you can do a 3 sets of 12 reps comfortably, then go up half a size. That's what I did when I was first starting just to get an idea of how strong I was.
  • When I first started using this I kept getting so annoyed and frustrated that at the end of the day I would be 500-800 calories under my goal because I had burned so much in the day. But then I started increasing my intake of protein shakes and that helped me get a lot closer to my goal calorie intake.