magpie0829 Member


  • 130. I still had the curves I liked but not the extra fluff that I have now at 151 pounds. Also at 130 I was in the best shape of my life (for me at least). Right now my goal is to get to 140 and see if 130 is still my absolute goal weight or if just getting to the point where my clothes fit well and back into an exercise…
  • Chocolate milkshakes. And yes I still eat them because there is no way on this earth that I could not. I didn't eliminate anything when I started counting calories. Instead I just limit how often I have treats or I have just cut my portions down.
  • I also suggest that you are most likely running a lot faster outside then you are on the treadmill. Also, when you are on the treadmill your elevation doesn't change, while outside you are most likely running up and down hills. Maybe invest in a Garmin or a similar device that you can look at while you run to keep a steady…
  • Regarding the type of food I am eating? No. Pretty sure my RBF keeps people at bay. But I have gotten comments on how long I heat my food up for. Had this one coworker who would walk by when I was heating up my lunch..."Wow, you are still heating your food up?!" I had leftover spaghetti and was heating it up in the…
  • And what credentials does this "guy" have that he knows exactly the type of diet and nutrition your husband needs? I'm sorry but this diet sounds absolutely ridiculous and just down right miserable to keep up with.
  • I'm around your size and trying to get down to the same weight. I have my activity level set at sedentary because I work a desk job and have a goal of losing 1/2 lb a week. My daily calorie intake is 1510. When I want to eat more or I know I will be indulging in a special treat I up my exercise to cover those extra…
  • This is me as well. I used to try and stock my cube with healthy snacks but then I found myself not being able to control my intake and I would just eat them all in one sitting. So for me it is better to have no snacks. I sit for 9 hours a day at my job and when I first started I came from a job where I was on my feet all…
    in Desk Job Comment by magpie0829 May 2018
  • Who told you that swimming won't help aide in weight loss? Weight loss is about eating in a deficit and if the calories burned by swimming help to achieve that deficit then swimming definitely helps with losing weight. Plus it is always important to pick exercises that you enjoy because if you don't enjoy it than you won't…
    in Swimming Comment by magpie0829 May 2018
  • You need a digital kitchen scale. You can find them online or in stores. You don't need anything expensive but to get accurate counts measuring by weight is the way to go.
  • I am a stress eater too. So to curb that, any time I feel stressed and want to reach for the ice cream, I get up, drink a glass of water and take a short walk instead. Since you know that you are a stress eater you just need to find something else that will help reduce your stress instead of snacking.
  • Usually treadmill (or any exercise equipment) calorie counts aren't always accurate. The closest you could get to an accurate count would be if she would use a heart rate monitor.
  • I gave up diet soda for a year and the first two weeks of going cold turkey SUCKED! But after two weeks I barely missed it. My first diet soda after cutting it out was on my wedding day and OMG it was delish! So now I limit myself to one diet soda a day at lunch and consider it my treat for the day.
  • I feel like your nutritionist should have specified which foods to limit due to their high carb content and which foods you should be eating more of. Also your nutritionist should have explained what a carb is and why she/he thinks you need to be on a low carb diet. If your nutritionist can't or won't give you more insight…
  • You need to start mixing up your running workouts. Running at the same speed at the same incline for the same distance isn't going to get you anywhere. Start mixing in tempo runs, speed workouts and hills into your running routine. As for increasing your distance, do so gradually. For example, if you typically run 20 miles…
  • When I first tried to lose weight I did exactly what you did by cutting out certain foods and making myself eat things that I wasn't overly fond of or excited about because I considered it "healthy." Now, I eat what I like. Period. I just watch my portions and try to balance out the "bad" with the "good." I also pre-log my…
  • If this is your wedding to hell with calories and what you should or shouldn't eat. It is your wedding day. Eat and drink up! I mean you most likely paid for it so you may as well enjoy the food. Seriously one day is not going to ruin whatever progress you have made. And needless to say, if it was your wedding day, the…
  • Vacation is a time to relax and enjoy yourself. Of course this doesn't mean that you can eat an entire cake in one sitting, but I think worrying about how much you may or may not gain kind of kills the whole vacation vibe. So enjoy yourself. Splurge a bit. But don't go over board. If you want a slice of cake then have a…
  • Sorry, but your boyfriend sounds like an *kitten*. It is incredibly rude of him to tease you about your body to the point that you now feel like you have to change yourself physically to prove something to him. Not cool.
  • Water, of course, is best, but any liquid you drink counts towards the 2 liter total. More liquid is needed depending upon your physical activity level, the environment you live in (hot, humid climates), illness or if you are breastfeeding. If you rarely feel thirsty throughout the day and your urine is very pale yellow or…
  • I second the advice of drinking water. Always have a bottle of water handy and if you feel a hunger pang (or what you think is a hunger pang) drink some water and see how you feel again in 10 minutes.
  • Sorry to hear about all the stress and hardship you have been going through. As for your weight loss, instead of focusing on the weight you aren't losing, focus on what you have lost. 8-9 pounds is a great starting point. Be proud of that. And stop weighing yourself everyday. Your weight will fluctuate daily and it seems…
  • I love my food too! For me it is all about moderation and portion control. So if I want pasta then I will eat pasta, but I will limit myself to 3 ounces. If I want a brownie, I will eat ONE brownie. I will also balance out what I eat throughout the day. If I know I want to indulge for dinner then I will eat a healthy salad…
    in Diet Comment by magpie0829 May 2016
  • Flipbelt 100%. So comfortable that you forget you are even wearing it. Holds my iPhone 6, car keys, dog poop bags, money/credit card, etc perfectly and have never had an issue with anything falling out of it (and that is without flipping the belt so that the openings are against my body.