mamapettit Member


  • Same here. 4lbs down this month. This month focusing on 10 glasses of water per day, cardio 5x per week and getting my blood work done- checking hormone and thyroid levels. Good luck- I'm finding it hard to stay motivated but I am feeling better and sleeping better so I cling to those little improvements.
  • Great Job! Have you ever done a DBT class? It has really helped me along my eating journey and bring mindfulness into my life. Light & health to you....
  • I wasn't able to complete a simple hike at Yosemite last summer, so that is my 1st goal in May and then to hike to waterfalls in Hawaii this summer with my family. Any helpful training tips appreciated....
  • Yep, yep and yep. Been there, done that. Have eaten for all reasons. I have started practicing mindfullness, not meditation but being present in how I feel. I am trying to observe the craving cycle, assess whether or not I am hungry and what the emotions are and what I really need. Food will ALWAYS make me feel better. It…
  • 1- not be out of breath when i go upstairs in my house. 2- do a 2 mile hike with my kids and dogs 3- drink more tea out of my favorite mug 4- eat 1 fruit and vegatable every day 5- to reward myself with something special after every 10lbs A very acheivable list.........
  • Looking for support this year. tried to do it last year on my own and gained my top 20lbs back. looking forward to 2016 and changes in lifestyle. anyone feel free to add for support on this journey.