Goals for 2016 anyone????

Last year I ran 283 miles. This year I'm setting my goal at 500 and I've got a marathon in my sights.. I'm not calling it a New Year's Resolution because I don't ever keep those. I'm setting goals instead. Anyone else setting goals????


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    My goal is to run 500 miles this year too. I did 325 in 2015. Got a half marathon in may.
  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    My goal is to get back to the fitness level I was in 2014 before I re-gained my loss.
    I was able to walk 20+ miles up and down hills without feeling like my chest would implode
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    My goal this year is to rebuild my body after being injured in a car crash last September. I'm in physical and occupational therapy, and should be able to stop wearing a splint on my hand this week. I plan to start in the pool on Monday and my range of motion for my hand is almost good enough to start strength training again.

    This morning I took pictures of me for comparison as the year progresses:

  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,222 MFP Moderator
    I've been a really inconsistent runner over the past year, though I trained for 2 halfs and actually completed 1 of them (DNF'd one thanks to a rolled ankle at the 4 mile marker). This year, my goal is to consistently run 3 times each week. Even if it's just a mile or two. I think if I was more steady and consistent (and didn't push myself quite so hard) I'd injure myself less often. So, I guess my real goal is to stop hurting myself. LOL!

    Good luck on your goals, guys. :flowerforyou:
  • ladynasdaq
    ladynasdaq Posts: 21 Member
    1-My first goal is to work a diet that us livable. I'm spinning my wheels with Weight Watchers. It isn't working for me, whatsoever. Just not repeating the same mistakes is what I'm saying.
    2- I'm convinced that counting calories is the answer. I have a hurdle to jump over for now.This is a year long process but I know I have to allow any food I want and count it into the day if it's a craving.
    3- I want to keep my stress level down. Just plan foid things and give myself a good day no matter what. I have to say that I love my job.I'm a Travel Nurse. Next month I am finishing a contract and will be going home before I know it. Getting some appreciable weight off before I leave next month cheers me up like nothing else.
    4-I figured out a good calorie diet. I should move the scale down. I'm figuring on a 1600-1700 cal diet to start off. I also have tried SlimFast in the past. I think 2 100 calorie snacks,2 SlimFast meals for Breakfast and Lunch and then 1000 calories left to eat healthy food is ridiculously easy. I have a good 100 lbs. to lose. Eating healthy foods,using some diet boxed foods for work,enjoying a meal out and just being openninded is everything. I know I have to watch the scale but the good news is being cognizant about what works,what does not.
    5-Last, rewarding myself. A nice outfit at a certain weight,a nice pair of shoes,a planned cruise,a nice vacation to look forward to because it was earned is a big deal to me. People talk about a reward for weight loss. I know putting this into motion is key. ,I am going to put some funds away for this. Lose some weight,will have to figure out how much,get a reward. This is how I roll
  • michaelmelo
    michaelmelo Posts: 11 Member
    10% body fat and do tough mudder.
  • TrekkieLianne
    TrekkieLianne Posts: 8 Member
    Finally getting to where I was when I thought I was fat (13 lbs less than I am now). It's been a long road, and I've already lost over 40 lbs in the past 4-5 years, but I have yo-yo'd each time a few pounds back and forth (lose 10, gain 6, lose 10 again etc.). I want to put behind me the athletic injuries I bring on myself by being too eager and getting unbalanced in my workouts (a lot of running with too little stretching, lifting weights too quickly and tweaking things, ignoring early signs of overuse). I turned 60 ten days ago and I want to usher in a 'healthy aging' period in this life. Fat, sedentary and limited are not the way I want to finish my stay on Planet Earth
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    To keep my weight up in to the healthy bracket, keep up with my training and I'm thinking about learning Spanish!
  • abatonfan
    abatonfan Posts: 1,120 Member
    1. 5.5% A1C or below. This is being carried over from last year's goal, since A1C estimates average BG over a 3 month period (and I'm due for an A1C check this month).
    2. Walk to Disney World. I got a fitbit for Christmas, and the distance between my house and the Magic Kingdom is a bit under 1000 miles. If I want to reach this goal by next Christmas, I'll need to walk about 2.6-2.7 miles a day (an average of about 5000-6000 steps).
    3. Jog a mile. I have never been able to do this. I can jog about a half mile now, which is a big improvement from a few years ago. Depending on when I reach this goal, I might start working on jogging/walking a 5K (I can already walk one).
  • lthames0810
    lthames0810 Posts: 722 Member
    I'm struggling with goal setting. I tend to set unattainable goals then, of course fail to meet them, then of course get disappointed with myself.

    I'm thinking my goals should be process oriented instead of outcome.

    So here goes:

    1) Eat a vegetable every day.

    2) Get 500 calories worth of exercise every week.

  • kgb6days
    kgb6days Posts: 880 Member
    I'm LOVING all these goals - every one sounds so realistic (and I especially love the 'walking to Disney World' one - it's one of my favorite places)
  • Forest91
    Forest91 Posts: 1,203 Member
    My goal is to get to my goal weight of 96lbs(6st 12lbs) by January 2017 if not then at least get to 144lbs(10st 4lbs) what is half way to my goal weight.
  • ise311
    ise311 Posts: 107 Member
    I am only starting back after few years, so I'm going slow for 2016 first quarter.

    1) Aiming to get back stamina for my jogs.
    2) Keep track of diets, no more heavy portions on rice and pizza. But I still love pasta (my bad).
    3) Be more positive-minded (I'm kind of under depression for several months now)

  • mamapettit
    mamapettit Posts: 7 Member
    I'm struggling with goal setting. I tend to set unattainable goals then, of course fail to meet them, then of course get disappointed with myself.

    I'm thinking my goals should be process oriented instead of outcome.

    So here goes:

    1) Eat a vegetable every day.

    2) Get 500 calories worth of exercise every week.
    I'm struggling with goal setting. I tend to set unattainable goals then, of course fail to meet them, then of course get disappointed with myself.

    I'm thinking my goals should be process oriented instead of outcome.

    So here goes:

    1) Eat a vegetable every day.

    2) Get 500 calories worth of exercise every week.

  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    My goals for 2016-1) run a 5k (first one since my unable-to-diagnose leg condition started 2) do a full pull up 3) do a one-armed pushup.
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    Forest91 wrote: »
    My goal is to get to my goal weight of 96lbs(6st 12lbs) by January 2017 if not then at least get to 144lbs(10st 4lbs) what is half way to my goal weight.

    How tall are you if you don't mind me asking? That is a very small goal weight.
  • mamapettit
    mamapettit Posts: 7 Member
    1- not be out of breath when i go upstairs in my house.
    2- do a 2 mile hike with my kids and dogs
    3- drink more tea out of my favorite mug
    4- eat 1 fruit and vegatable every day
    5- to reward myself with something special after every 10lbs

    A very acheivable list.........
  • yesimpson
    yesimpson Posts: 1,372 Member
    - Beat my 10K and half marathon race times
    - Get stronger
    - Try new things - begun today with a kickboxing class!
  • MrsPamda
    MrsPamda Posts: 5 Member
    1: Be able to run 5k
    2. Be mindful of my bad food choices, and think about each before I do it, and check the nutritional information to dissuade me.
    3. Build muscle back into my shoulders after struggling with tendinitis for years
  • WithWhatsLeft
    WithWhatsLeft Posts: 196 Member
    Oh, so many goals.

    Physically, to get as healthy as I can, which requires that I get rid of 30 pounds by July while keeping (and building) muscle.

    I have shed a number of bad habits over the last couple of years, and learned how to eat well and work out strong. This is the year I really want to put these lessons learned into regular practice.

    Emotionally, a lot of other stuff. :wink:

    This all comes from a strong desire to age well and enjoy the 2nd half of my life - my parents are elderly, and weak as kittens.