SarahCate_2pt0 Member


  • A cleanse does not help you identify food allergies. I have a food allergy and my allergist never once suggested we do a cleanse to figure it out. Of course, when I eat eggs, I guess I get some "cleanse" type GI symptoms as a result. I'm going to write a book, guys! "The Food Allergy Cleanse" :lol:
  • Or you can really engineer it and pop a ruler in there and calculate the volume of the cylinder. V=π(r squared)h
  • I weigh the pot I'm using prior to starting, and weigh the full pot when I'm done. Then you take the weight of the pot out of the total finished weight and you have your net recipe weight. Or you could pour it into another pot and then measure it back in with a large measuring cup.
  • That's a great start! You're definitely on the right track. We're telling you to lift *progressively heavier*. We leave out that key word "progressively", I guess. We're also saying not to bother with the off weeks of light weight/high reps. It's wasting your time. You can learn more about deloading and that fun stuff as…
  • Don't bother with the lighter sets. You're not going to "bulk up". No matter how you slice it, a heavy lifting program and recomp-focused diet is what we're going to tell you is needed. Go read the thread Diana posted for you. It's full of great info.
  • Looks like someone's bored. The blogs must be slow today.
  • For what it's worth, I'm saved and still listen to metal and all kinds of other music. However, we all have to live by what we think is best for ourselves and avoid stumbling blocks that push us toward our old ways. Skillet and POD are on my playlist. If you like the metal/hard rock stuff, I also like As I Lay Dying,…
  • I would look at what MFP has for options running/jogging and log 25 minutes of whichever option is pretty close. Just be conservative. The MFP exercise database tends to really overestimate calorie burns.
  • FYI: I successfully manage my insulin resistance with metformin and a "low carb" diet where I keep my carb intake below 35% of my total calories (roughly 150 grams/day). This arrangement has helped me get control over my sugar/carb cravings, as well as, my other IR symptoms without experiencing the side effects of more…