why am i not losing weight?



  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    crys_vb wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    OP - you do not need to lose any more weight. You would probably benefit from doing a recomp or bulk and getting on some kind of structured lifting program. Your posting indicates that you may have some kind of ED issue, and you may need to seek help from a professional.

    I don't have an eating disorder, if i want a donut i'm going to eat a donut, i just don't have the shredded look that i really want. Again i'm only five foot and i weigh 109 pounds.

    then I would suggest a structured lifting program + a bulk/cut cycle or recomposition ...

    losing more weight is not going to make you "shredded"....
    Start lifting weights do a 5x5 program you wont have the "shredded look" if you have 0 muscle mass.

    ^^^Bang /thread.

    OP, losing weight at already healthy weight usually causes a person to lose weight but not change their BF% much, if at all because most of the weight loss comes from LBM and not fat. Basically their body is virtually the same, only a few lbs lighter.

    Listen to the advice and research the recomp.
  • SarahCate_2pt0
    SarahCate_2pt0 Posts: 9 Member
    crys_vb wrote: »
    crys_vb wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    OP - you do not need to lose any more weight. You would probably benefit from doing a recomp or bulk and getting on some kind of structured lifting program. Your posting indicates that you may have some kind of ED issue, and you may need to seek help from a professional.

    I don't have an eating disorder, if i want a donut i'm going to eat a donut, i just don't have the shredded look that i really want. Again i'm only five foot and i weigh 109 pounds.

    Start lifting weights do a 5x5 program you wont have the "shredded look" if you have 0 muscle mass.

    I do have muscle that's the thing, i can feel and see the muscle but it's not distinguished, i lift weights and rotate heavy sets one week and lighter sets more reps another. I can't lose the fat on top of my muscle

    Don't bother with the lighter sets. You're not going to "bulk up". No matter how you slice it, a heavy lifting program and recomp-focused diet is what we're going to tell you is needed. Go read the thread Diana posted for you. It's full of great info.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    OP - here are some structured programs I would recommend - strong lifts 5x5; all pro beginner routine on bb.com; starting strength, or new rules of lifting for woman. Pick one, eat at maintenance, and run said program for four to six months and then re-assess.
  • griffinca2
    griffinca2 Posts: 672 Member
    Losing more weight won't give you that shredded look. You have to start lifting weights; and I'm not talking abt the little pink & green ones. I am probable at least twice your age, weigh 116, am 5'3" and lift the following:

    BB curls 30lb
    Tri Dips on assist pullup mach: 50
    Deadlifts: 50
    Leg Press: 100
    Chest Press: 40
    Cable Rows: 40
    Abs: 3 sets of 12 reps on the Captain's Chair

    Not shredded yet but I'm getting there; it takes time and losing more weight won't accomplish your goals. Also, following the recomp directions at the beginning of this thread will help guide you (link located above). B)
  • crys_vb
    crys_vb Posts: 25 Member
    griffinca2 wrote: »
    Losing more weight won't give you that shredded look. You have to start lifting weights; and I'm not talking abt the little pink & green ones. I am probable at least twice your age, weigh 116, am 5'3" and lift the following:

    BB curls 30lb
    Tri Dips on assist pullup mach: 50
    Deadlifts: 50
    Leg Press: 100
    Chest Press: 40
    Cable Rows: 40
    Abs: 3 sets of 12 reps on the Captain's Chair

    Not shredded yet but I'm getting there; it takes time and losing more weight won't accomplish your goals. Also, following the recomp directions at the beginning of this thread will help guide you (link located above). B)

    Everyone in this thread just keeps saying lift heavier.. i leg press 260 4x12 i can assist pull up with 20 i can deadlift 50 and pull down 70? I'm so confused
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    crys_vb wrote: »
    griffinca2 wrote: »
    Losing more weight won't give you that shredded look. You have to start lifting weights; and I'm not talking abt the little pink & green ones. I am probable at least twice your age, weigh 116, am 5'3" and lift the following:

    BB curls 30lb
    Tri Dips on assist pullup mach: 50
    Deadlifts: 50
    Leg Press: 100
    Chest Press: 40
    Cable Rows: 40
    Abs: 3 sets of 12 reps on the Captain's Chair

    Not shredded yet but I'm getting there; it takes time and losing more weight won't accomplish your goals. Also, following the recomp directions at the beginning of this thread will help guide you (link located above). B)

    Everyone in this thread just keeps saying lift heavier.. i leg press 260 4x12 i can assist pull up with 20 i can deadlift 50 and pull down 70? I'm so confused

    no, we are saying that you need to be on a structured lifting program with progressive over load built into it.

    please look into the programs that we recommended and pick one.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    crys_vb wrote: »
    griffinca2 wrote: »
    Losing more weight won't give you that shredded look. You have to start lifting weights; and I'm not talking abt the little pink & green ones. I am probable at least twice your age, weigh 116, am 5'3" and lift the following:

    BB curls 30lb
    Tri Dips on assist pullup mach: 50
    Deadlifts: 50
    Leg Press: 100
    Chest Press: 40
    Cable Rows: 40
    Abs: 3 sets of 12 reps on the Captain's Chair

    Not shredded yet but I'm getting there; it takes time and losing more weight won't accomplish your goals. Also, following the recomp directions at the beginning of this thread will help guide you (link located above). B)

    Everyone in this thread just keeps saying lift heavier.. i leg press 260 4x12 i can assist pull up with 20 i can deadlift 50 and pull down 70? I'm so confused

    OP, how long have you been at this? Lifting heavy with progressive overload in a deficit? You mention you don't eat over 1250. Is that gross, or net. What loss per week goal did you enter? .5lbs, 1lb, 2lbs?

    What is your BF%
  • mom2kpr
    mom2kpr Posts: 348 Member
    crys_vb wrote: »
    griffinca2 wrote: »
    Losing more weight won't give you that shredded look. You have to start lifting weights; and I'm not talking abt the little pink & green ones. I am probable at least twice your age, weigh 116, am 5'3" and lift the following:

    BB curls 30lb
    Tri Dips on assist pullup mach: 50
    Deadlifts: 50
    Leg Press: 100
    Chest Press: 40
    Cable Rows: 40
    Abs: 3 sets of 12 reps on the Captain's Chair

    Not shredded yet but I'm getting there; it takes time and losing more weight won't accomplish your goals. Also, following the recomp directions at the beginning of this thread will help guide you (link located above). B)

    Everyone in this thread just keeps saying lift heavier.. i leg press 260 4x12 i can assist pull up with 20 i can deadlift 50 and pull down 70? I'm so confused
    Others mentioned Stronglifts 5x5 - I highly recommend you look it up. Try increasing you leg press weight so that you can only do 5 reps instead of 12. I am also 5' (but 185lbs) & can deadlift twice that for 5 reps (I'm sure I couldn't at 12). Increase weights, lower reps. SL5x5 includes squats, deadlifts, overhead press, bench press and rows 3x a week.
  • SarahCate_2pt0
    SarahCate_2pt0 Posts: 9 Member
    crys_vb wrote: »
    griffinca2 wrote: »
    Losing more weight won't give you that shredded look. You have to start lifting weights; and I'm not talking abt the little pink & green ones. I am probable at least twice your age, weigh 116, am 5'3" and lift the following:

    BB curls 30lb
    Tri Dips on assist pullup mach: 50
    Deadlifts: 50
    Leg Press: 100
    Chest Press: 40
    Cable Rows: 40
    Abs: 3 sets of 12 reps on the Captain's Chair

    Not shredded yet but I'm getting there; it takes time and losing more weight won't accomplish your goals. Also, following the recomp directions at the beginning of this thread will help guide you (link located above). B)

    Everyone in this thread just keeps saying lift heavier.. i leg press 260 4x12 i can assist pull up with 20 i can deadlift 50 and pull down 70? I'm so confused
    That's a great start! You're definitely on the right track.

    We're telling you to lift *progressively heavier*. We leave out that key word "progressively", I guess. We're also saying not to bother with the off weeks of light weight/high reps. It's wasting your time. You can learn more about deloading and that fun stuff as you venture into the world of lifting.

    New Rules of Lifting for Women is a great program that I've used myself. It explains a lot of the jargon and helps educate you on how it all works and why you're doing what you're doing. Lots of my friends have had success with Stronglifts, 5/3/1 and others, as well. Look into those and really give it 6 months of your best commitment. You'll be pleased with the result.

  • crys_vb
    crys_vb Posts: 25 Member
    crys_vb wrote: »
    griffinca2 wrote: »
    Losing more weight won't give you that shredded look. You have to start lifting weights; and I'm not talking abt the little pink & green ones. I am probable at least twice your age, weigh 116, am 5'3" and lift the following:

    BB curls 30lb
    Tri Dips on assist pullup mach: 50
    Deadlifts: 50
    Leg Press: 100
    Chest Press: 40
    Cable Rows: 40
    Abs: 3 sets of 12 reps on the Captain's Chair

    Not shredded yet but I'm getting there; it takes time and losing more weight won't accomplish your goals. Also, following the recomp directions at the beginning of this thread will help guide you (link located above). B)

    Everyone in this thread just keeps saying lift heavier.. i leg press 260 4x12 i can assist pull up with 20 i can deadlift 50 and pull down 70? I'm so confused
    That's a great start! You're definitely on the right track.

    We're telling you to lift *progressively heavier*. We leave out that key word "progressively", I guess. We're also saying not to bother with the off weeks of light weight/high reps. It's wasting your time. You can learn more about deloading and that fun stuff as you venture into the world of lifting.

    New Rules of Lifting for Women is a great program that I've used myself. It explains a lot of the jargon and helps educate you on how it all works and why you're doing what you're doing. Lots of my friends have had success with Stronglifts, 5/3/1 and others, as well. Look into those and really give it 6 months of your best commitment. You'll be pleased with the result.

    Thank you!!
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    crys_vb wrote: »
    griffinca2 wrote: »
    Losing more weight won't give you that shredded look. You have to start lifting weights; and I'm not talking abt the little pink & green ones. I am probable at least twice your age, weigh 116, am 5'3" and lift the following:

    BB curls 30lb
    Tri Dips on assist pullup mach: 50
    Deadlifts: 50
    Leg Press: 100
    Chest Press: 40
    Cable Rows: 40
    Abs: 3 sets of 12 reps on the Captain's Chair

    Not shredded yet but I'm getting there; it takes time and losing more weight won't accomplish your goals. Also, following the recomp directions at the beginning of this thread will help guide you (link located above). B)

    Everyone in this thread just keeps saying lift heavier.. i leg press 260 4x12 i can assist pull up with 20 i can deadlift 50 and pull down 70? I'm so confused

    You don't need to re-invent the wheel here. When the last few reps of your current exercises become easy to perform with the weight you are currently lifting, up the weight. Keep doing this in a sensible and progressive fashion.

    You probably don't believe this but you would do much better by putting on some muscle, both aesthetically and physically.

    You weigh around 100lbs or so right? Let's assume your body fat percentage is around 20%.

    That means your lean body mass (LBM) is 80lbs and your fat mass is 20lbs. Given such low levels of stored fat your body is going to fight your attempt to lose it - you don't have that much to give up in the first place.

    Your LBM includes, as you probably know, not only muscle but organs, water, connective tissue and so on. You don't have as much muscle as you may perceive you do. Therefore increasing your muscle mass will make you look better and you won't bash your head against a brick wall by fighting your body to lose fat it wants to hold on to much as you wish it were different.
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    At 109lbs, you don't have much muscle mass, no matter what you say.

    To look shredded you need more muscle. Which means either bulk/cut or recomp (recomp is slower). Stop worrying about the number on the scale if it's a certain look you're going for.
