KCGgirl1 Member


  • I have 82 pounds left to my goal. Started about 4 weeks ago and am already stressing over if I am doing this right! LOL! Could use all the advice and support I can get and would love to be a source of encouragement for others as well. Anyone who wishes to can add me a friend. Let's get this done!
  • Been thinking that perhaps I wasn't exactly clear as to what my concern was. I am happy with the nearly 8 pound weight loss in 3 weeks. My concern was that each week, my weight loss has dropped by half. If it continues to do so, within 2 weeks, I will no longer be losing anything. I guess I was looking for someone to tell…
  • Thank you everyone! The reason I was considering raising my activity level I have a friend who is also on MFP and she has been telling me that she loses better at a higher calorie level even though her lifestyle is similar to mine. Will just breathe and see what happens.