Pooshka2 Member


  • The first (and last) time I ever went kayaking the thing tipped over, throwing me and my son out. I was stuck under water, under the thing. It was an excursion off of a Hawaii cruise.
  • Weekly Weigh-in Starting weight: 230.8 Goal weight: 150 Progress to date: 18.6 pounds lost Weigh-ins: 1/3: 230.6 2/1: 222.0 (month’s loss) 3/1: 216.0 (month’s loss) 3/31: 213.2 (month’s loss) 4/7: 212.2 Another pound bites the dust! Now that the weather is getting nice, I'm taking advantage by walking a dog a mile more…
  • Weekly Weigh-in Starting weight: 230.8 Goal weight: 150 Progress to date: 18.6 pounds lost Weigh-ins: 1/3: 230.6 2/1: 222.0 (month’s loss) 3/1: 216.0 (month’s loss) 3/31: 213.2 (month’s loss) 4/7: 212.2 Another pound bites the dust!
  • Weekly Weigh-in Starting weight: 230.6 Goal weight: 150 Progress to date: 17.4 pounds lost Weigh-ins: 1/3: 230.6 2/1: 222.0 (month’s loss) 3/1: 216.0 (month’s loss) 3/3: 217.6 3/10: 215.2 3/17: 216.8 3/31: 213.2 0.4. Not great, but it was a loss. My monthly weight losses are slowing. 8.6 in January, 6 in February, 2.8 in…
  • Weekly Weigh-in Starting weight: 230.6 Goal weight: 150 Progress to date: 17.4 pounds lost Weigh-ins: 1/3: 230.6 2/1: 222.0 (month’s loss) 3/1: 216.0 (month’s loss) 3/3: 217.6 3/10: 215.2 3/17: 216.8 3/31: 213.2 0.4 this week. Not great, but it was a loss. My monthly weight losses are slowing. 8.6 in January, 6 in…
  • Weekly Weigh-in Starting weight: 230.6 Goal weight: 150 Progress to date: 17.0 pounds lost Weigh-ins: 1/3: 230.6 2/1: 222.0 (month’s loss) 3/1: 216.0 (month’s loss) 3/3: 217.6 3/10: 215.2 3/17: 216.8 3/24: 213.6 A good loss follows a slight gain. Still averaging 1.2 ppw loss.
  • Weekly Weigh-in Starting weight: 230.6 Goal weight: 150 Progress to date: 17.0 pounds lost Weigh-ins: 1/3: 230.6 2/1: 222.0 (month’s loss) 3/1: 216.0 (month’s loss) 3/3: 217.6 3/10: 215.2 3/17: 216.8 3/24: 213.6 A good loss follows a slight gain. Still averaging 1.2 ppw loss. This week's successes: Stayed on plan since…
  • Weekly Weigh-in Starting weight: 230.6 Goal weight: 150 Progress to date: 17.0 pounds lost Weigh-ins: 1/3: 230.6 2/1: 222.0 (month’s loss) 3/1: 216.0 (month’s loss) 3/3: 217.6 3/10: 215.2 3/17: 216.8 3/24: 213.6 A good loss follows a slight gain. Still averaging 1.2 ppw loss.
  • Excessive potassium can cause kidney damage. The normal range is 3.5-6.0 mmol/L. If you're in the middle or bottom of normal, I wouldn't worry about too much potassium. Upper levels - better keep that intake in check.
  • If your potassium levels are normal, 3500 is reasonable. I've got the opposite problem, I'm at the high end and need to limit my intake to 2000 a day. Pretty much anything healthy (meats, whole grains, many fruits & veggies) are high in potassium (> 200 mg per serving). I'm trying to find those low-potassium healthy foods…
  • MFP is not a good source for potassium information. Potassium levels are not required to be displayed on nutritional charts - its absence does not mean 0 mg. Better go to a US Government or other nutritional site that provides potassium levels.
  • If you need to watch your Potassium intake (either up or down), do not rely on MFP for potassium levels. Much of the posted nutritional information is taken from the product labels. Product labels do not always include Potassium content. This does not mean the content is zero, it means the manufacturers chose not to…
  • Annual physical today. Blood pressure, glucose, and cholestoral were PERFECT!
  • Weekly Weigh-in Starting weight: 230.6 Goal weight: 150 Progress to date: 13.8 pounds lost Weigh-ins: 1/3: 230.6 2/1: 222.0 (month’s loss) 3/1: 216.0 (month’s loss) 3/3: 217.6 3/10: 215.2 3/17: 216.8 Another body adjustment week. I stayed on the plan, still a slight weight gain.
  • Weekly Weigh-in Starting weight: 230.6 Goal weight: 150 Progress to date: 13.8 pounds lost Weigh-ins: 1/3: 230.6 2/1: 222.0 (month’s loss) 3/1: 216.0 (month’s loss) 3/3: 217.6 3/10: 215.2 3/17: 216.8 Another body adjustment week. I stayed on the plan, still a slight weight gain.
  • Weekly Weigh-in Starting weight: 230.6 Goal weight: 150 Progress to date: 13.8 pounds lost Weigh-ins: 1/3: 230.6 2/1: 222.0 (month’s loss) 3/1: 216.0 (month’s loss) 3/3: 217.6 3/10: 215.2 3/17: 216.8 Another body adjustment week. I stayed on the plan, still a slight weight gain.
  • Is there a grief counseling or support group available in your area? When my husband passed seven years ago, I found one through our local mortuary. If you belong to a church, the staff might be able to refer you to one. My thoughts are with you over the loss of your sister.
  • Fiber and protein are the two that I exceed most (not necessarily the same day). If I go over in fat, it's usually due to my salmon dinner or nut snack (both good fats). I watch the sodium, as I'm prone to high blood pressure and can't take the meds. If I'm under in calories and still hungry, I "fill in" with a snack…
  • I used the patches and have been smoke free since early December. They come in 21, 14, and 7 mg. level. The level you start at depends on how much you smoke (it'll provide the info on the label) Each level takes about 6 weeks to get through and costs a little less than a carton of smokes. Your insurance provider might have…
  • I broke down and bought some, Thin Mints and the shortbread cookies (Trefoils?) are my downfall. They're tucked away in a box in my closet behind some boxes of folders and papers. If I want cookies, I have to work to get them, and I only take the alloted four cookies. After savoring them slowly, I go brush my teeth to get…
  • My weigh-in day is Friday as well I can add this group to the list starting St. Patty's day.
  • You can do both. I quit smoking December 5 and started MFP January 3. Haven't smoked yet, and I'm down 15 pounds.
  • Are you grazing all morning? Are your servings too large? Watch the serving sizes, and weigh/measure accordingly. You should be able to get by with cereal packages, milk and fruit around 200 calories. If you get hungry, try some protien (hard boiled egg < 80 cals). Fewer than 300 for breakfast / snack, try for a 300…
  • Time to start thinking about gardening! I've heard "Square Foot Garden" is a great city-dweller way. The up-front cost will be higher, but you can get some pretty fresh veggies all season long.
  • MFP has a great recipe program! Just plug all of the ingredients (except water, no calories) and the number of servings, and the program will display the number of calories per serving (and remember, when making the dish, measure and weigh to the tee!). As you become familiar with the recipes and become more comfortable…
  • Bathroom. Actually, let dogs out, then bathroom, brush teeth, let dogs in, shower, dress.
  • And they (barely) beat you! After spending years as the proverbial cellar dwellers, they're starting to move up as their young team is melding. Of course, a bunch of Cavs sitting out of the game helped the Wolves.
  • Weekly Weigh-in, I'm averaging 1.5 pounds per week! Starting weight: 230.6 Goal weight: 150 Progress to date: 15.4 pounds lost Weigh-ins: 1/3: 230.6 2/1: 222.0 (month’s loss) 3/1: 216.0 (month’s loss) 3/3: 217.6 3/10: 215.2 I finally get my half apple fritter.
  • Weekly Weigh-in, I have surpassed the 15-pound loss mark and am halfway there! Starting weight: 230.6 Goal weight: 150 Progress to date: 15.4 pounds lost Weigh-ins: 1/3: 230.6 2/1: 222.0 (month’s loss) 3/1: 216.0 (month’s loss) 3/3: 217.6 3/10: 215.2 I finally get my half apple fritter.