Janlinae Member


  • I really could use support and motivation . I'm 5' 2.5" and need to lose about 30 more pounds. I did great for a long time. Then I lost my gym membership and my motivation. Please add me.
  • Hey, I'm 46 and have been on MFP for several months. I started at 176pounds in November of 2014. Hubby and I go to the gym 3 times per week. I am currently at 163 so have about 20 pounds to go. I know I need to get up and move even on non-gym days. It is very difficult. Any one willing to give me a kick in the pants every…
  • This is a good place to start. I found keeping track of what I eat makes me think about what I put in my mouth. 24 pounds is great. Keep it up. :p
    in I'm new Comment by Janlinae July 2015
  • He is on but rarely uses it. Yup we go to the gym 3 times per week. Tonight he has personal trainer and I have Zumba class. If you can try Zumba, do so. It is so much fun and a big reason why I actually have lost weight. Will you friend me? We can help each other more that way.
    in Hi There Comment by Janlinae July 2015
  • Hi Cody, nice to know I'm not alone. How close are you to Reno? I know 10 pounds doesn't sound like a lot but it really is. It is usually the little amounts that are hardest to lose. You said 'more time to plan/prepare' . May I make a suggestion? Plan out a week worth of menus just for 1 meal. So just breakfast or just…
    in Hi There Comment by Janlinae July 2015