
  • @haleigh29 you can do this!! When I started my journey I started using my fitness pal..but then I just got annoyed with logging every single thing and thought of it as a chore....but get down to your emotional WHY. Why do you want to keep losing weight, why do you want to tone up, why do you want to live a healthy…
  • would love to get to know what you are doing, what you are eating etc. and try to help ya out! Heading to bed now tho, will reply tomorrow! Hopefully you can add me on Facebook as well to talk more! If not we can start talking here if that is more comfortable for u.
  • hey girl!!! If you are double my size and only eating 1300 you might be under eating actually. I am eating close to or around 1800 calories. Also depends on what workouts you are doing and how intense they are :) Do you have a Facebook?
  • Consistency is key. Skipping meals is bad..because it will cause your body to go into starvation mode which will hang onto fat because your body is not getting the proper amount of nutrients it needs especially if you are working out as well.