My fitness journey, let me help you with yours!

Hey everyone! Rachel here. I just wanted to start posting in here about my fitness journey and try to inspire and help anyone I am able! This will be a short intro I suppose. But I started my journey Feb. 2014 This is me 138 pounds....5'6...bloated...unhappy...tired all the time..."skinny fat" sick a lot. Not cute haha


And this is me currently :D Been busting my butt day in and day out...dialed in on nutrition...and I am seeing results. I want YOU to start seeing results as well and I want to help others! In this picture I was down to 125. :)


If you want help, need support, need motivation, contact me!!! :D

Facebook- Rachel Rozman


  • tautau30
    tautau30 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi im Tonya, im almost double your size, seems as if I started MFP on a plateau. Been working out and eating cleaning for 3 months with minimum result on this 1300 calorie regiment
  • RacRSR
    RacRSR Posts: 5
    tautau30 wrote: »
    Hi im Tonya, im almost double your size, seems as if I started MFP on a plateau. Been working out and eating cleaning for 3 months with minimum result on this 1300 calorie regiment
    hey girl!!! If you are double my size and only eating 1300 you might be under eating actually. I am eating close to or around 1800 calories. Also depends on what workouts you are doing and how intense they are :) Do you have a Facebook?
  • RacRSR
    RacRSR Posts: 5

    tautau30 wrote: »
    Hi im Tonya, im almost double your size, seems as if I started MFP on a plateau. Been working out and eating cleaning for 3 months with minimum result on this 1300 calorie regiment

    would love to get to know what you are doing, what you are eating etc. and try to help ya out! Heading to bed now tho, will reply tomorrow! Hopefully you can add me on Facebook as well to talk more! If not we can start talking here if that is more comfortable for u.