Yummmm thanks everyone!
add fruit honey cinnamon brown sugar
I'm also a sahm of two boys. I worked out my whole pregnancy and lifted weights with my two month old and I'm almost back to pre preggo weight. I recommend picking up some activities that you enjoy, especially now that the weather is getting nice! Gardening, extra strolls around the block, even better do things with your…
Oh you're right lol!! That's definitely 8 not 80 haha
Yes please !! No creeps though lol
Thank yall
Ty ladies...I have watched twd
I'm watching jimmy now lol! I love stand up too! I especially love fluffy!! Haha ty :smile:
I eat around 1200 cals and still am able to fully breast feed my son. I don't eat the extra cals bc I personally don't think it's necessary. I do try to eat foods that I know will boost my supply such as: oatmeal, oatmeal cookies, coconut oil, fenugreek etc..
Thanks everyone! I get it now