Hey Tom! You'll be fine! Welldone for logging 2 days in a row! Add me. Let's do this!
Let's do this! Yeah! I'm interested! Lets Go! Add me!
Lets do this! ADD ME! UK BABY!
Keep Going! Your doing great!
Yeah! Adding! Get some multivation building up in here!
I hear that! It has been two weeks, and I have been using this app and other nutritional and fitness resources. I lost a stone in two weeks, I felt so inspired by my choices. To keep this up I know I need motivation " as much as possible!" So I am so with you Girl! Bye! Bye! Fat , once and for all!
I feel you. Well done for your first step! Added!
I totally here you! I just finished watching both parts of Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead! This was an eye opener for me and watching Hunger for choice, when you know more about foods and what's in it! Boy! If that doesn't change your perception, well enough said! Me and my hubz always motivate each other, through nutritional…
Check you out! Keep it up!
Hey! You've made the first step! Go You! Added!
Don't give up! You can do it, keep motivated by using this app! You can add me! Go girl!
I hear that! Managing the calories is not as easy with exercise, bug I have got a good routine going and this app helps! Love the motivation in the group, I really want to keep learning on how to maintain a flat stomach!
I'm sticking with the same plan, as of today! I'm with you Suelegal!