river495969 Member


  • I mix and match units depending on what result I want so: 2oz isn't much but 56g sounds like I have more 1kg weight loss doesn't sound like much 2.2lbs sounds better 3.1miles sounds shorter than 5k so wont be as hard Very childish I know as they are the same but in 18months I have lost 97lbs, which is obviously bigger than…
  • I don't know whether this is any help as my dad is paraplegic but what he does is if the weather is good he uses a manual wheelchair to go up a gentle slope near his home. Its only about half a mile and I hardly notice the slope but he finds it hard going up but great going back down. If the weather is bad he attaches…
  • I started at 230lbs friends noticed at about 200lbs, my husband finally noticed after 40lbs but my dad only spotted it a couple of weeks ago when I hit 170lbs. The strange thing is I struggle to see any difference myself even though I have had to get new clothes.