Thank you for your advice. Probably true about that she does things for me, I will have to start thinking about what she does do for me. I don’t want to sound whiny like I am forced to do those things but sometimes something back or acting excited about something is all I want. She has no idea I want to go there actually…
Little Miss by Sugarland and Hey Heartbreak by Jennifer Nettles
Mr. Ladies Man. Haha thanks! If I could go back I would be a little more mischievous. I was considered a nerd and a goody two shoes. :)
Being a maid of honor in my grandma's wedding.
10 :)
Everyone's friend and a great listener
Right handed
I am 22 and recently have gained 25 pounds. I am now a 32ddd and hate it. I have lost ten pounds and am at 142 now and I am a 32d now and a lot more happy. Before I was a 32A and 10 percent body fat in high school. That was the best shape I was ever in so I would say yes
I love flax seed milk. Had it at a friends and it was the best kind. I have tried fat-free, 1% and 2% cow's milk. Soy, almond, and cashew. My next favorite is fat-free cow's milk.
Peach Black Tea Lemonade. 26 ounces is there veinte and only 190 calories. About 60mgs of caffeine. I use it as my desert some days or drink it when I know I have calories to spare.