plyadnov Member


  • You have some options...what is your daily calorie intake goal? What's your relationship with food? Is it simply fuel for your body or do you enjoy flavor and need something different every day? Meals at home: try buying yogurts, tuna, fruit for snacks. Watch calorie intake on yogurts. I love Danon 80 calorie 2…
  • What do you see when you look at yourself in the mirror? What do you notice when you pot on a pair of pants you've worn for a month or two? How much do you weigh on the scale? These are the things I ask myself in order of importance. I can weigh 1lb more this week compared to 2 weeks ago, but my abs are more defined. I…
  • Might be repeating what others have said, but here is my 2 cents: 1) Figure out why you want to eat things that you know are not good for you. I'm going to bet it's feelings/thoughts you are trying to get away from. People use food, drugs, alcohol, work, etc. to do that. But if this is the reason for your binge eating,…
  • Here is what I do...I have 2 kids, one is in sports (so lots of late nights spent at practices): Diet:I try to come home with about 800-1,000 calories remaining...that way I don't feel so guilty for eating mac and cheese and whatever else the whole family is having. I can control what I cook for work lunch/snacks...but…
  • My reward is health, feeling better today than I did a month ago, being able to run 10 minutes at a faster pace than before, looking in the mirror and seeing progress, this list goes on. I tend not to "reward" myself with food or things. Do this weight loss for yourself. The new you is the reward...satisfaction won't…
  • Had to look up a stone...roughly 14lbs in case people are wondering. You've gained it back in about 1-2 months...I'm willing to bet that most of this weight gain is water weight. With balanced diet this weight will come off just as quickly as you gained it. There's no way you can gain that much from overeating gaining fat…
  • Few things might be affecting your weight...not sure how much a stone is in LBS, so I'll keep it generic. How's your calorie intake? Your macro-nutrient breakdown (where these calories come from...fats, carbs, protein)? Like others have said, you might be eating above your maintenance level. Try to stick to complex carbs,…
  • You've already taken the big step by reaching out. I see too many "new years resolution" people disappear from the gym after wandering around for months not knowing what to do and being too stubborn to ask for help. Although having a food scale is the best way to ensure you are not over or underestimating your portions, it…
  • Already said planks :D
  • Working out at home or at the gym? Home: give this a try Gym: 1) I personally love hanging leg raises. Alternate options include: leg raises to the sides, bringing your legs all the way to the bar (that you are holding), knee bends with a weight around your ankles. All will…
  • Unfortunately key to getting ripped is probably 98% diet and 2% exercise. Once you get down to about 10-12% bodyfat, your 6-pack will begin to show. Having said that, this will depend on where you carry your fat. If it's in the lower extremities and arms, you might see those abs sooner than those who carry it around their…
  • I don't see why you can't. Although I am not sure how that would help out in the long run. I would suggest doing declining number of reps while increasing weight. Set 1: your warm-up set, do normal weight you can do 10 reps Set 2: go up in weight, push yourself to do 8 reps...if you can do 10, do 10. Set 3: go up more in…
  • See what your body likes more. Here is how I look at the athlete vs non-athlete comment: athlete who will burn 4K or more calories doing intense training will require a lot of carbs before their session. Having bagels, oat meal, etc. for breakfast or even the night before (carbing-up)...friend of mine did that prior to…
  • Is there a specific reason for working out that early? Do yo workout at home or go to the gym? Do you work or a full-time mom? I personally can't wake up that early and have a good workout. Plus I take my son to school before heading to work so that automatically takes my mornings out of the equation. Instead I have found…
  • How often do you weigh yourself? I fluctuate like there's no tomorrow. Over the weekend I was 196, today I'm 194. Who knows what tomorrow will bring. You eat more carbs one day, few days later your water levels are higher and you weigh more. Try to stay consistent with your diet. Eat out less and when you do, try to check…
  • Play around with your nutrients to see what works best. If you are seeing results at 1340 calories eating what you are eating, then don't change a thing...healthy weight loss is about 1lb/week...water weight is a different story. If you are not seeing results at 1340 calories a day, see where these calories come from. My…