

  • I would love to help you! Anyone can add me as a friend. Here are a couple of things that I might suggest: Mindset change: Instead of saying "I want that, but I can't have it." Say, "I can absolutely have that, but I don't want it because it does nothing for my body and health." :) Also, maybe try picking a day during the…
  • They can make you hungrier! You will have a spike in blood sugar, spiking insulin levels. Your blood sugar will suddenly drop off, leaving your insulin levels high which makes your body feel hungry so that you can get those blood sugar levels back up.
  • STAY OFF THE SCALE! That is setting yourself up for ups and downs emotionally which affects your weight loss within itself. :neutral_face: Pick a day weekly or biweekly to weigh in so that you don't catch yourself emotionally fluctuating with your fluctuating weight. That's natural. Everyone's weight fluctuates.
  • Yes! I gained 30 pounds of lean muscle! I would love to share my story with any of you!
  • No, that is really too much cardio for bulking.. It would be really beneficial to calculate your basal metabolic rate for intake and then lift some heavy stuff. I gained about 30 pounds of lean muscle. I would love to share my story with you!
  • Hello! May I ask what your goals are and what your plan is to achieve them?