

  • you can do it!!! I'm so proud and seriously so exited I have communicated one way or another with someone who is on the same path as me!!! You are so awesome thank you for the motivation!!! Also congratulations on your 40 pounds gone!!!! That's amazing
  • Lol maybe I should Stoll weigh myself so I can keep up with my fluctuations but only record once a week... I like that idea!!! How funny tell him "dnt kill my vibe" haha jkjk
  • Lol why does only Friday count??
  • Thanks, even if I am just losing the water weight I'm perfectly okay with that! I have 18 more pounds to go to reach my first goal, it took me four months to lose 20 pounds, without keeping tract of anything just exercising only, and I've lost 2.7 pounds in 4 days exercising and actually seeing& keeping tract of what is…
  • So how do you keep up with any positive progress that is being made?
  • Do you think I should stay off of it the scale if it isn't the enemy to me? I don't think the weight gain will effect me much, I do think it will push me to be better or to figure out what I could of possibly done wrong, but I am perfectly ok with the fluctuation of my weigh.
  • Lol well if my 2.7 pounds I've lost in these four days don't count imma make an exception for me haha weight is weight for me starting at 240 and being at 218 today I was a lil over 220 when I started this app 4 days ago I feel like every ounce lost is a reason to celebrate I wanna be below 200 so bad I lost my first…
  • Great advise I most definitely will find my motivations outside of the scale, the feeling after a workout has been awesome for me, considering I hated working out, but the feeling I've been getting afterwards is amazing. I'm doing this alone, so to know I can ask on this app and there are so many more people who are in the…
  • Thanks girl I will keep at it and continue this after my son I was my heaviest at 240 I'm currently at 218 so just seeing that difference is amazing I don't expect to be at my goal soon but I know if I push and push I'll reach it!!! I can't wait for that day!!!! I'm so glad I found MFP bc I am better understanding…
  • Thanks, I'm grateful for any ounce that is lost bc I have struggled with my weight for a long time, I know eventually when I start to gain more muscle my weight is gna probably increase witch is totally ok, as long as I'm gaining muscle Lol!!! I'm excited tho for every change that is yet to come!!!
  • I've Been weighing once I wake up after I pee lol and I make sure I'm.naked tmi lol but it's the truth
  • Very true, I don't feel a difference yet but I'm hoping soon I will!!!
  • I feel like I'll never get out of the 200s ugh it's so frustrating but if I continue this I know can do it
  • how much weight do you approximately Lose during this time frame?
  • Thanks girl I will definitely try my hardest to not let that get me down!!! I haven't had a period in couple months thanks to my birth control (sarcasm) ugh so I know when my next one hits it will be pretty ugly!!!! I just gotta remember to not let it effects me!!!
  • Lol that would be my problem as well haha!!! So I guess starting tomorrow since Sunday is the first day of the week I will weigh myself and set a goal and then ill wait till the following Sunday to weigh in lol I have a feeling that is gna be really hard to do bc I wanna know if I'm losing haha
  • What is your weekly goal? And if you don't meet that goal do you add on what ever your lacking to the weeks following? I actually like the idea of setting a weekly goal!! But I'm new to everything so Idk what is even reasonable!!!
  • Thanks. I totally didn't even think about the water weight or even my weight fluctuating during the time of ovulation or AF coming (those are gna be the worst lol). So glad I asked bc knowing me if I saw the scale going up rather then staying the same or becoming less I would lose my motivation fast I have struggled with…
  • Thanks good to know!!! I think for now I will continue to weigh in everyday maybe for two weeks and then after that I'll do it weekely for two weeks and see where I stand then. I appreciate the feed back!! Your awesome!
  • Malibu927 well my numbers have yet to fluctuate in fact their just going down more and more I believe that's where I'm getting my motivation from I've never been this determined to lose weigh more then I am now
  • Is the motivation still there? I'm afaid if I weigh once a week I won't be as excited to wake up and continue on this journey. When I weigh myself and see i lost that what has been making me push myself more bc I wanna see those numbers drop
  • Hey everyone my name is Kayla, I am 23. At my heaviest I was 240, currently I'm at 218.1 my goal is be 135 I hope to receive some good vibes and motivation to help me along my journey!!!!