MochiCupcake Member


  • I love it! I make all kinds of desserts with matcha powder too :smile:
  • So I have have been ill all my life with various health issues. However since becoming vegan (only for the last couple of months), my dad said the other day 'you're ill because you're vegan'...what about the last 1000 times I was ill? My parents are really not very supportive of my decision. Especially my dad, which is…
  • I'm 5ft and I weigh 8st/112lbs and I'm happy with that weight, although it is disproportionally distributed on my lower half!
  • I have cartoned Alpro/Koko coconut milk with my morning porridge. the cartoned milk is a lot more liquid-y than the tinned milk for making curries etc. though, I'm not sure that would work as well!
  • West Midlands, hihi :)
  • surround myself with positive things and always make a little time for doing the things I love, have little time for the people in my life who are trying to bring me down. On days where I might not do so well, I try not to beat myself up over it too much, or I talk things over with my partner until I realise I was probably…
  • sweet potato, chickpea and spinach coconut curry (about 550 calories) followed by fresh strawberries :)
  • I have around 20 different herbal teas in my cupboard. My current favourites are matcha, ginger & lemon, nettle & mate, and apply & cinnamon. I do drink a hell of a lot of plain ol' water as well though.
  • Yum! I shall definitely be trying these (sans cheese)
  • I'm 5'0, 110lbs, very sedentary... I maintain on 1400-1500 a day unless exercising.
  • Eurgh, one of my close friends was using this stuff for a while. At a little get together she sold the remainder of the HerbalLife to another friend who wanted to slim down for her holiday, with the advice 'don't take it right before you go away, because you'll have awful diarrhoea, be pale, and feel lethargic and weak all…
  • My acne randomly came back recently, and my skin fluctuates between too oily and dry patches. Tea tree and green tea soap has been doing wonders for me with a simple cleansing toner after (just a supermarket brand one!). Also making sure I drink extra water every day. I find sweating after exercise can make me break out a…
  • I eat a lot of hearty veggie soups or curries, I usually add mixed beans or lentils to salads/brown rice or pasta, and top most of my dishes with seeds, & I eat lots of tofu, couscous, quinoa, falafel, etc. Plus as many different types of veggies throughout the day and less fruit.
  • I've been vegetarian for a year, and slowly converting to a completely vegan diet for the last couple of months. This is mainly for ethical reasons, but I feel a lot healthier too. However, this is completely a personal thing. I suffer from IBS and neurological problems as well as associated effects, insomnia etc. I have…