jrmcmanus Member


  • Me too! Just added you
  • Hi! I'm starting a new goal of clean eating and regular exercise. I have had RA for about 7 years now. I have a 2.5 yo toddler and work full time. I'm using Fit Girls Guide as my inspiration to start with losing 10 lbs, but more importantly than the number on the scale is that I want to FEEL BETTER! Hope to connect with a…
  • Hi! I'm starting a new goal of clean eating and regular exercise. I have a 2.5 yo toddler and work full time. I'm using Fit Girls Guide as my inspiration to start with losing 10 lbs, but more importantly than the number on the scale is that I want to FEEL BETTER! Hope to connect with a good support network here. Feel free…
  • Hi! I'm starting a new goal of clean eating and regular exercise. I have a 2.5 yo toddler and work full time. I'm using Fit Girls Guide as my inspiration to start with losing 10 lbs, but more importantly than the number on the scale is that I want to FEEL BETTER! Hope to connect with a good support network here!
  • Just started today!
  • Just started today!!