ArmywifeOpper Member


  • I already do at least 1/2 an hour of cardio everyday, but that desk cycle sounds interesting. I'm trying to work in anything additional to what I'm doing and I have time for. I have 3 little ones, twins who are 2 and a half, and a 4 year old, I work full time and I'm going to school, so I don't have much more time than 1/2…
  • Hmmm...Belly dancing sounds like fun. I'm guessing its like getting in cardio and an ab workout in one? I love it when I can work out and it doesn't feel like work because its fun.
  • Started on 3/14/2016: 214 lbs Today's 3/31/14 weight: 207.5 lbs
  • 1. How long have you been on your weight loss/fitness journey? Well, this is my second Journey, about 6 or 7 years ago, I went on the journey and lost about 40 lbs, then I had kids, got lazy and am back at it again. I've been at it now this time for about 2 1/2 weeks and have been doing pretty good, I've lost about 5 lbs…