Torxhart Member


  • Monster Ultra suger free calorie free
  • I've lost 30 lbs since Feb,I consumed under 1000 a day and watched my carb intake.It sucked the first few weeks but I'm a impatient person and if I didn't see results I wouldn't stick with it.I lost about 3 to 5 lbs a week I used and still use EAS carbAvantage that you can buy at Wal-Mart to replace 2 meals a day
  • Mine is high too but I ignore it.I'm 37 and lost 30 lbs since January.If I ate the amount of calories it suggests I wouldn't lose weight.I've lost 5 lbs in the past 2 weeks and I've uped my calorie intake but if I took in the calories it suggest I know I wouldn't lose weight as fast as I'd like
  • I had a jawbone and my wife had a fitbit.I used my jawbone for 2 days then took it back and traded it in on a fitbit hr.I love it and worth the extra money.It syncs well with my fitness pal which the jawbone didn't do also the fitbit app is a lot better than the jawbone app