mominnc Member


  • Wow, you're doing great!
  • Just read through your journal, you're doing awesome! I love your chart, so detailed! I'm writing my weekly weight in the back of a notepad and hiding it from my husband, ha ha. Oh, and by the way, I think you look great! Maybe not what you're used to seeing, I get that, I do the same. But I can't wait to look like you…
  • Wow, you are doing amazing! I love your chart. I don't know if I'm brave enough to weigh everyday, but it's nice to see I'm not the only one who goes up and down like that. It just goes to show, in the end we're really losing! Great job!
  • Wow, that is awesome! Don't you just love seeing the scale go down?! I'm only 2 weeks ahead of you, we can do this! Great job so far! :smile:
  • Thank you!
  • Thank you, that makes a lot of sense!
  • Ya, this whole weighing on the scale is really throwing me off, now that this happened. It makes me wonder what kind of numbers will show up next week, it's like a guessing game! Lol. Nice you have a doctors scale for reference, that sounds like a great plan!
  • Well, I weighed myself this morning, which I told myself I wouldn't do, trying to limit it to once a week. But after the gain this week, it was driving me crazy. I lost two pounds overnight! How does that even happen?! That is crazy, but I'll take it. So, 8 pounds in just over 3 weeks. I'm good with that for now. I'm so…
  • Thank you so much for the welcome! My husband is the same way, he will say "I think I need to lose a bit of weight." Then poof, it's gone! What the heck? Crazy how different we are. I agree, my results in my timing. Love that.
  • Yes! That's what I thought as well, it seems like I am always starving after I exercise. But I know it is good for me, and I'm sure I'd probably lose a bit faster, so it's two sided. I think I might just go for a nightly walk, that's a start, right?
  • Ha ha, that is funny. My son looked at me like I was nuts, and said the same, that I should be eating all day to keep my metabolism up. I think he's thinking "Oh, here goes mom again, one of her crazy diets again!"
  • That's a good idea, I think I will pay attention to carbs a bit this week. Will also try the ACV, thank you!
  • Thank you!