Thanks for the reply guys! X
Clearly I know what scales are used for... but everyone has gone mad because she never answered about the weight of her food.. it's not all about that obviously or I'd still be fat..
I've never weighed my food ever and I lost weight well over 2 and a half stone so it's not all about the weight of food.
I used to weigh just under 9 stone before i had my baby.. i went up to just over 11 and half stone after so i felt super huge... (Most people will tell me that this is bad advice and for you not to do it etc but it worked for me.. it may or may not work for you) but I started doing 'celebrity slim' diet.. its a shake 2…
What topic you want? Lmao
Could always open another for you
What the hell are you talking about lmfao
No one's actually flagged your post :S
Ok if you say so
Best get to the bank then lol
Tar :)
Bit bad you have no tv though
I said I used scales you said there not accurate so yes pounds body fat the lot are wrong :/ but either way it's close enough for me :)
Lmao stupid fatties I'm pretty sure that's not what I said but anyways I had quite a few people tell me it did work so you can believe what you want and I'll believe what I want :)
They maybe the odd pound out but I'm just wondering what you use to weigh youself then?
Yeah that's exactly what I mean.. how do you get rid.. I don't eat 700 cal everyday btw it's just odd occasions.... but I'll usually eat less than 1500 everyday
There accurate enough to use.
The scales in the gym they measure weight hight bmi and body fat
Why can't I be serious...I don't get that hungry and the food I eat has hardly any calories....I'm not going to force myself to eat to reach a target.. some days I do have 1200 cals if I'm hungry
Well what would you suggest then? I'm 5'3 ...not exactly fat I'm just over 9 half stone.. I have healthy bmi & 19% body fat?
Well for a few days I've been eating about 700 cal...eating healthy food (fish, fruit veg etc ) and going the gym.. will this work? I don't need to really loose weight just have baby fat & need to tone up....
So im really new to excerice. . So what lifting should I be doing lol ( sorry if that sounds stupid I'm don't know much about the gym :/.)
Im not too bothered about loosing weight..I'm doing it more for toning so will that work? I also do rowing machine..bikes and stair master (free climber machine)
Yeah I totally agree with this... cardio is important.. I didn't excerice at all... I started the gym 2 weeks ago & do at least an hour cardio 3 times a week & it's working :)