

  • My biggest foe with food is the following: I am an emotional eater. I went through a really nasty divorce 9 years ago. It started while I was pregnant with my second (and last child). Eventually, through bad circumstances, I had to sign my kids over to my (now) ex-husband. I was too sick to be able to keep fighting for…
  • I do this same thing!! My husband asks me if I want something, and I tell him that I can't. I don't have enough in the bank to cover it. But sometimes, I am guilty of eating it, and then not eating anything else the rest of the day :neutral_face:
  • Hello. I am just starting out - this go round. I have tried before to lose weight, and do great for a week or two - and then life happens. I am in it for the long run, and hoping to be able to support others and gain support as well. Wanna be friends? I am looking to lose about 50 pounds :smile:
  • Hello. I am just starting out - this go round. I have tried before to lose weight, and do great for a week or two - and then life happens. I am in it for the long run, and hoping to be able to support others and gain support as well. Wanna be friends? Edit: I am looking to lose about 50 pounds :smile: