DogRiverDude Member


  • Thanks FigBelle! It can be done and it's really not as difficult as you may think! Getting through the first few weeks was the most trying I suppose but good habits eventually form and healthy eating will soon become second nature. Sure... I still enjoy the occasional treat (or drink haha), but I understand my limits and…
  • Well thank you Joanna! The physical feeling is inexplicable. Just the simple things; running up stairs 2 at a time without having to catch my breath,... cutting my lawn takes "0" effort now,... I don't sweat anymore (yeah TMI lol) but I just don't have to exert myself to perform physically demanding tasks! Best wishes to…
  • Thank you Chris! Hitting your goal is within reach and and can be achieved as slow or quick as you want. I'm kind of an instant gratification person so I was quite aggressive and strict with my diet. That said, nutrition was always #1, THEN calories. Not once during my entire weight loss period did I feel weak or…
  • Thank you BOTA! I'm still getting used to the smaller me. Good luck with your own goal... children definitely need healthy parents, not only for longevity, but to also set a good example. You really can achieve your goal with a little dedication!
  • Thanks Will! I viewed your profile page and I t was the "4th Quarter" for me as well. Make your retirement an active one and best wishes achieving your goal!
  • Hey thanks Davo! Pretty awesome loss yourself; just 2kg's to go! Fantastic work mate!
  • Thank you Gwis! I was surprised with the weight loss! I suppose the largest factor was being strict with my foods, weighing everything, no guessing, etc. Thanks again and best wishes with whatever goals you've set for yourself!
  • Thanks so much Natasha! Oh my gosh... never feel selfish about being motivated! We all (at some point) need a boost or encouragement. You didn't even request help or motivation; you went out and sought motivation for yourself and there's nothing selfish about that! I see that you're almost halfway to your goal....…
  • Well thanks 1TwoThreeFive! Seeing the scale number drop consistently was motivation to keep me going. Of course, great MFP Friends sure were a benefit along the way! I certainly feel a younger but, with the weight loss I have noticed more wrinkles --> therefore I really dunno about looking younger haha. It's been my…
  • A funny thing happened after I've dropped all the weight --> I actually find myself quite chilly most of the time now! Is that what you meant :-)? Thanks Shiggysho.
  • Well thank you Gebeziseva... it's the best success story I've written :wink:. Everyone has their days I suppose but I like to think I'm mostly positive. After being (extremely) overweight for SO long... it's an incredible feeling to be fit and healthy! Hmm, maybe I should withhold that statement until AFTER my "Physical…
  • Thank you for reading Pmm! It seems (now) that it wasn't much work but... I certainly had my 'days'. Looking back it was mostly discipline; the ability to stay-true to the plan over extended periods of time. Although discipline comes down to our own choices, my MFP Friends were outstanding for their comradery, support, and…
  • Hey thanks CC! The hardest work was meal prep on Sunday, oh, and I suppose some treadmilling hehe. The most difficult part for me was avoiding the unhealthy foods but... those cravings eventually pass. It really helped having ready-to-serve meals... something I still do to this day. Your current loss is fantastic!! Yeah,…
  • Thank you Tennile! The weight loss, especially rate-of-loss was surprising but thanks :smile:
  • A person of few words! I sometimes like that! Thanks Nichole!!
  • I don't even know YOU either and I'd still like to thank you hehe! It's funny... when the Insurance dude came for my medical he was running over disease and life expectancy statistics with me and said pretty much the same thing. It's truly a wonderful feeling because I was a medical train-wreck at 290 pounds, eeks! LOL,…
  • Thank you grrupp (Grr Up? hehe)! I had fun writing the story, was terrified to click the "Post" button, but in hindsight, so glad I did. It looks like you're almost 20% to goal already, congratulations! Best wishes with the balance... with continued dedication you'll get there very soon!
  • Thank you Jshute! The trick to looking younger is full frontal lighting to fill in any shadows and smiles that are large enough to show you're happy yet, not so large that crows feet appear haha. That said... I do feel younger though! I've been heavy (putting it lightly) (lightly?! hehe) my entire adult life so all of this…
  • Thanks Juknowpk! What an excellent idea to set micro goals! I did something very similar, albeit by accident. The smaller goals are much easier to achieve and result in less frustration since they don't seem overwhelming. Damn! Another Esks fan. I'll have to look back through the thread but I think the tally is now Riders…
  • Awe CyBaby... that's very sweet! I'm so glad the post helped you in some way. Looking back it seemed so easy BUT I do remember that I "had my days". Just glide through the easy days, persevere through the tough ones and you'll be looking back with a smile someday soon too! Best wishes with all your life-goals!
  • Hey thanks so much Monica! Yeah, LMAO... I bought this giant bag of Almonds and thought I could make my own Almond Milk (better and cheaper). I don't believe it was any cheaper,... it may have tasted slightly better than the store bought brand but good grief... THE MESS! Almond Milk all over the place (including me),…
  • Hey thank you HH! It's amazing how fast you can turn your life around (in regards to weight). My best wishes to you and your goal.
  • Thank you Slkmerc, you're too kind! Definitely lost pounds... the "years" thing is up for debate :-). I sure feel different! After being heavy my entire adult life, this is still such a new feeling for me!
  • Really Dee, the pleasure was (has become) mine to share. I'm truly overwhelmed with all the wonderful responses such as yours so... thank YOU and my very best wishes with your own goals!
  • Hey thanks Lyssa! Technically... not a "whole" different person... more like 3/5ths hehe :wink: I'm really flattered you found the story inspirational! I'm really just a "Joe Average" (no offence to men named 'Joe' ;-) that was on a mission. Best wishes to you and all the goals you've set for yourself!
  • Thank you BigBossK! It was my pleasure (or at least has become my pleasure) to share! Best wishes with your own goals... maybe you can change your username to SmallBossK in the future :smiley:
  • Thanks Joni! Yes... keep on pressing forward. The more diligent you are, the more success you'll see. The more success you see, the more self-motivated you'll be. That's how it was for me. It's a cycle,... each good choice leads to another. You're so right... Rome wasn't built in a day BUT, I bet you can be very near goal…
  • Thank you Manda²! Looking in the mirror I sadly see the same "big" guy that I have for the past 30 years. But,... I do notice a difference in photos. I have very few pics from when I was larger and in hindsight I wish I had taken more to compare. Thanks again and best wishes with your own goals; you're young and really…
  • Thank you Printer88! It's very humbling that you and others find my story inspiring... thanks :blush: !
  • Thank you Munty! PERFECT that you read this on Day 1! Setting mini goals is great, even though I didn't even know that I was setting mini goals. You should never feel overwhelmed... even with the mini goals. Just take things one day at a time. As days turn into weeks, healthy eating habits will form and, before you know it…